Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Birthday Girls

Well, as I promised, I will tell you about Christina and Desiree's birthdays. Mostly, on Friday the 12th (which was both Christina's and Desiree's birthday), we celebrated Desiree's birthday. Christina's birthday celebration was a couple days later -- at least my celebration with her. And that will come in another blog post, because I'm tired.

Friday evening, my mom and I went to Christina's to enjoy some cake and watch Desiree open presents. I seriously cannot believe she is 5. I remember being in the hospital room with Christina when they wheeled in the little bundle that was Desiree and I saw her for the first time. She was so tiny. Oh how the years go by... Now she's a big girl. With a good dose of sass in her (she told me that one day, she was upset with her daddy, so she sent him to his room and told him he couldn't come out until she said so...). So here are a few pictures for you to enjoy:

Desiree got some very nice gifts. She got a Disney Princesses game set from me, a Tinkerbell pillow book from my mom, a Racecar Barbie from her Aunt Ashlee (Nick's sister), Tarzan from her mom and dad, and also from her mom and dad, a couple of ponies, a helmet and elbow pads for her bike, and a barbie vanity set. So, she had a nice birthday. We played some Princess Bingo and Princess Dominoes and Princess Go Fish. She is learning how to play those games. Emily was very interested in being part of the action. She went digging into several boxes and watned whatever the rest of us were playing with (ie dominoes, cards). She is walking everywhere in her cute little toddler way. And she copies you. She would put her hand on my shirt and I'd point to myself and say, "Aunt Hila." So she'd poke me again. Then I'd point to her and say, "Emily." And she'd point to herself and say, "Ha." It was way cute. I have more stories about her copying me, but they are for the next post with Christina's birthday celebration. So here are a couple more pictures before I finish this up with non-birthday randomness :).

So, this is a busy week full of not a lot of sleep for me. I'm exhausted already. I worked all day today (from 8 to 5:15, with an hour and a half break for a RS Presidency meeting) in order to maximize my hours for the week. Good news there is that I got all my hours in :). I drive tomorrow an hour and 15 minutes to the library system's service center for a full day of training. This means that I will be waking up somewhere around 6:15 to get on the road between 6:30 and 6:45. Blech. I am so not a morning person. I will get home around 6:30 tomorrow evening... Then I will work at the funeral home all day again on Thursday (starting at 8), and then on Friday, I will work 1/2 day at the funeral home and 1/2 day at the library, then my mom and I are going to go to the Temple. Then Saturday I will work in the morning some at the funeral home and then go to the library for the afternoon shift. I will be looking forward to Saturday night when I can just relax :). But, it's all good. I just know it's going to be a long week!
Today I bought myself the new Star Trek movie. I'm not a Trekkie by any means. Of all the movies ever made for Star Trek, I've only seen the ones with the "original" crew. And of those, I only like #4 (the whale one that has awesomely 80s stuff) and #6 (The Undiscovered Country). I never saw the ones with Picard. But I really really liked this new one. I thought it was very well done. So I bought it for $9. Which is a good deal. Woohoo! So my mom and Grandma watched it tonight and I watched some of it while I read over my huge binder for my new job. My mom really liked it. So did my grandmother. I will say I did like a couple of the tv series. I liked Voyager, which I started to get hooked on in 8th grade Algebra with Mr. Loudat who would let us watch it on Fridays sometimes. And then I liked Enterprise. That was a really good one. It used to be part of my weekly routine to watch that show. But yeah, other than that, I'm not a Trekkie :).
Well, I probably have other stuff to talk about, but I can't think of it right now, so I will stop. I will write more soon. I have the Christina birthday celebration (with pictures) to write about :).

1 comment:

Heather said...

Cute Pictures! I'm the opposite when it comes to Star Trek. I only like the Next Generation which are the ones with Picard.