Monday, December 15, 2008

The Slippery Slidy Glide

Okay, so it's truly a conundrum when you have two great ideas for a title that involves a song. One involves a song title. The other involves a background line in the background part of a song from days long gone by... and almost forgotten ;). But, when you can't find the song "I Don't Like Snow" by Shorty and Slim anywhere on youtube to link my readers to, that kind of solves the conundrum. Though, if you want to hear a clip of that song by Shorty and Slim, click here and then look for the song title on the left and click on that. But only if you have a program that can play it ;). Anyway, so my conundrum was solved, as I mentioned... And so you get a title inspired by a line in a song from about 1990. A song probably most of you don't know and never would have, had it not been for me. A line I should probably be ashamed to admit I know. Because by so admitting, I admit to the fact that we (Brad, Christina, and I) owned the cassette tape of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Coming Out of Their Shells. Also, I should mention that, since I was sitting here listening to this song (called Skipping Stones), I didn't hear that line "slippery slidy glide" in the background. So, this may be yet another example of how I was raised to butcher songs. But, I'm sure you will forgive me, as I am sure this lengthy explanation is bringing at least a small semblance of a smile to your lips... Even if you are laughing that we not only had this cassette tape, but also because I'm willing to admit that I loved this song. And so, I hope Tarylyn is reading this. And I hope she reminds Brad of this. So that next time I see him, he can make fun of me.

Okay, so now to get to the point of my title... the slippery slidy glide. And why I don't like snow. Get ready to laugh, if you aren't already. (I figure this is a good way to bring some laughter to my best friend's face at the beginning of her birthday week :)). And so begins the story of the lesson for the girl from Alabama....

So, it did snow more last night. Not whole heaps, but a bit more. And so the cars were covered in snow. My mom and I had meetings at church at 11 this morning, and we rode together. And may I admit I was secretly hoping that the snow would have melted, because then it would mean there was no chance of black ice? (This is where my dad gets back at me for laughing at him about the 27 degree weather in Alabama around Thanksgiving). The cold and snow don't really bother me, until it's time to drive. Then I'm nervous about it. Anyway, so my mom drove. I got my church clothes on (before we left the house, mind you) and, since my boots were upstairs in my mom's room, I just decided to go with my black heels. Of course, my boots are also heels, so I don't think this scenario would have played out any differently. Well, so my mom and I leave the house. She walks down the steps first. I take my first step and... well, it's hard to describe really. I know it was loud, because my mom immediately turned and started worrying about me. I'm thinking that by then, I was on the floor, but it all seemed to go in slow motion as I tried to figure out how to stop myself from falling, even though I know there was no way to do so. And so, I made it down three ice-covered steps by simply taking one small step. Is it too cheesy to say "One small step for the Nilla... One giant slide for her body." Oh, I'm sure it was quite graceful. My mom was immediately apologizing, but hey... She's not the moron that wore high heels on icy steps. I seriously wish I could describe it. It was surreal knowing I was falling and there was nothing I could do about it. So:

Fact: High heels don't have good traction.
Fact: Heels with ice/snow don't mix.
Fact: My flip flops turned out to be a better shoe choice for the snow than the heels did, since I didn't slip in those :).
Fact: I am a 28 year old with skinned knees.
Fact: Not so crazy about the icy snow anymore.

And so now my left heel looks like this (if you can't tell, that little plastic peg on the end of the heel that you're supposed to walk on is missing):
The other tragedy
And my legs look like this (aren't they a sexy shade of white in addition to the scraches?):
My unhappy legs
My right leg got the worst skinning. My left leg just got more of them, from my knee down to my foot. Oh, and my butt was wet from sitting on the cold, wet cement to inspect my boo-boos. Poor Nilla.

And since I might as well share the other funny story that this story evoked from memory as I was telling it to Julie... And because Julie needs to laugh some more :).

In the summer of 2006, I spent a week in Florida with Julie, her mom, Alysha, and Julie's Aunt Sara. It was a wonderfully and much-needed lazy week of garage-saling, swimming, reading, and sleeping. And I think it rained quite a bit. So, one evening, Julie and I ran to the Publix close to the house. It had previously rained, so the parking lot was wet. Oh, and I was wearing the red flip-flops (the same ones in the snow pictures, gals). What can I say? Flip flops are kind of like all-weather tires. Only they are "shoes," not tires. Well, we were walking out of the store and toward the car. We walked across the crosswalk painted sections of the parking lot. And the paint was wet. Not wet, as in freshly painted. Wet as in slick. And it turns out my flip flops don't have such great traction (on wet paint). And my foot slipped. Luckily that time, I was able to catch myself. But not before Julie saw me and started laughing. I explained to her about the wet paint and she was like, "That paint was not wet!" All the while laughing her butt off. Of course, she thought I meant fresh paint. But even years later, she still said I didn't slip because of the slick paint. Until today, she finally accepts that wet paint (wet from rain) becomes slick and slippery, because I told her my mom told me to be really careful to not step on the painted lines in the church parking lot today precisely because they'd be wet and slippery. So Julie told me tonight that she'll believe me now, since my mom said it. She cracks me up.

Fact: My flip flops, though they don't have the greatest traction, have better traction than my heels. I didn't completely fall in the flip flops.

Of course, it is also true that, while there in FL that week, we swam a lot in her aunt's pool. And here and there, there were little tiled turtles on the pool tile. And it was wet (bcause it was in the water). And I slipped on it too. And Julie laughed at me again and didn't believe me that it was the slick turtle tiles... She believed me after she (or maybe it was Alysha) slipped on them after I left. Hahahaha... You better watch it Juliebean... Or else I'll knock you over in my attempt to stop myself while skating again. Oh my gosh, that is such a funny memory too, though it was awful at the time.

Also, I think it is so hilarious that 4 of the 5 comments from the last blog post are commenting on my flip flop wearing in the snow! I wonder what you all would have said if I'd taken pictures the first time I went out... without jacket and in flip flops! I put on the jacket for the sake of the picture :). But, to answer your questions and comments:

Tarylyn: yes, my mom does know I go out like that! Who do you think took the picture!?! (I know you're referring to that crazy Pizza Hut lady, though ;)).
Elka: Hope you get your house painted!
Heather: Glad it's a little warmer for you guys there. I seriously could live out my days happily (as far as weather is concerned) if it would just be in the 70s and no humidity all year long.
Becky: Thanks for the compliment :). Although you may have spoken too soon, what with my fun fall today!
Julie!: I miss you too, girlie!

And, to close:

Fact: I'm soooo sick of looking at sweets. My mom and I have spent the last two days baking yummies. And they are pretty and fabulous. But I'm sick of even looking at them, much less considering eating them. UGH.


Heather said...

When I first read the title to your post, I thought you had slid down the big hill in the car. Sorry you slipped. I'm glad you didn't break anything. I'm also glad I don't have to deal with snow and ice.

Mrs. S said...

Yikes! I'm sorry! You know I gave up on heals in...2002 I think. Right before my mission. I decided they were hazardous to my health. Sometimes I miss them, but then I remember all the near death experiences I had and that I don't like being taller than my husband and I'm okay!

Katherine Ronachert said...

thanks for the laugh! i'm not painting today. i'm cleaning. also, don't know if i told you; we, i mean, i bought 2 christmas trees! the boys get one and so do we. i think santa might slip the stockings under their tree... there's no telling with that guy!

Nilla said...

Well, I will say I'd rather do what I did than do that slide in the car. YIKES!

Tarylyn said...

well, you can always bring them over here for me to look at..

Virginia said...

sorry about the knees (better than the back of your head) . . . consider L.L. Bean Stabilicers Lite . . . sorry they are sold out of the jelly colors! They look like they would work with any flats . . . or you can do what we did and just pretend you are skating . . . which is way fun