Monday, December 8, 2008

Life in the [Slow] Lane

Because let's face it. My life is not very fast-paced :). And, though it wasn't my original intention, I did end up with a song-title post. So, here's the song :). I will say... One thing I do gain from doing "song-title posts" is that I learn artists and songs better. I didn't know the Eagles did this song until I just looked it up. I'll just file that away in my freakish memory for possible future use :). Also, was just listening to the lyrics as I listen to the song. Turns out that life in the slow lane, like life in the fast lane (according to Don Henley), will also make you lose your mind. So, is there a medium-paced lane?

I seriously Okay, so I started that line of thought and then went above to add all that about the song, and totally forgot my line of writing...

I have issues :).

So anyway, I just can't believe how little I blog anymore. Just never feel "in the mood" to blog. Sad, huh? What's been going on this past week? Well... I spent time with Christina and Desiree. Shopped with my mom on Saturday. Spent 3.5 hours in Costco today. Am 430ish pages into New Moon. Talked to my dad. Went to Royce's baptism. Visited a new sister in the ward with the Relief Society President. Helped my mom at the funeral home last night, since they had their annual candle-light service in remembrance of those people who passed on this past year whose funerals they did. My mom's boss asked me to take pictures during the ceremony for the funeral home's scrapbook. I like to take pictures, but I have to admit that I felt a little awkward, since I don't even work there, asking people if I can take their picture for the funeral home... Oh well. My mom and one of her coworkers saw the pictures last night and were happy with them. Went to a coffee house with my mom tonight to show support to the women who sang and played the organ at last night's thing. My mom felt people from the funeral home should go and support them, since they came and supported the funeral home. We had mint cocoa and fun conversation.

What am I up to for the rest of the week? Because goodness knows I won't be blogging again soon, with my recent track record.... Well, helping Christina. Meeting my new niece on Thursday. Going to a Progressive Dinner thing for Relief Society with Michele (we will be having all courses of the dinner at different sisters' homes, which is why it's called progressive). That might be about it. Oh, and I'm sure I'll go to Institute. Baking yummy stuff to package and send to faraway lands... like Florida. Where they are sure to bring joy and happiness to my best friend ;).

Ah yes... So, that's life in the slow lane for you. Very, very thrilling. It kinda makes you feel like this:

Seriously... How can anyone not love this face?


juliebean said...

that is a hilarious picture indeed. You are crazy, but we love you anyway!! I am so excited about the baby girl coming into the world this week!!!! Wish I could be there to hold the little one.

Jenny said...

Nice photo. Very attractive:)

Mrs. S said...

How to say this delicately...if I were where you were I can't said I'd have much enthusiasm for blogging either! And by the way, I don't feel like spell-checking this! :)

Katherine Ronachert said...

elliott is really impressed with your ability to turn one eyeball in. i still miss and am going crazy, like lack of sleep crazy, try an average of 4 hours a night... anyway, i love ya!