Monday, August 26, 2013

3 Months (and 2 days...)

Dear Lynnaea,

Oh how the time is flying!  You are now 3 months old (and 2 days ;)....  We went with Grandma and Grandpa to to your cousin's birthday party on Saturday when you were really 3 months, and then Sundays are always a bit chaotic for us; so I'm getting this written a little bit late.  But that's okay :)).

You have developed and learned so much in the last month!  It's been amazing.  Out of the blue, you just started sleeping through the night!  It was so unexpected, but oh so welcome as well.  And not only that, but you learned how to put yourself to sleep!  This is a great blessing to Mommy, because I dreaded the thought of sleep training you later.  So thank you, sweet girl, for saving Mommy from what she is sure would have been a ton of heart-ache!  You moved into your big girl crib in your own room, and you are just a trooper at all of it!  None of it has bothered you.  You have also found your hands and you know how to grab toys and pull them to your mouth to chew on them.  And everything you get your hands on goes in your mouth.  From toys to burp rags and blankets, if you can grab it, you'll want to chew on it!  The funniest part of this is that you have this toy sheep (I should take a picture with you and it for posterity...) and you like to chew on the rings attached to said sheep.  Sadly, they have the misfortune of being attached at the tail, so whenever I look in the mirror in the car and you're chewing on those rings, you always have that sheep's rump in your face.  I chuckle every time.  You don't seem to be phased, though.  I've managed to get you laughing a couple of times, and I relish the sound (though I have yet to capture it on the camera, because you are far too distracted by the camera's presence and then you stop laughing ;)).  You also love being outside.  I think there is just so much to see, and it's exciting for you!

Your favorite toys seem to be that sheep (you actually smile at it when we hold it up in front of you.  And if we squeeze it's squeaker?  Oh you smile even more!) and your Baby Einstein toy that plays classical music.  I think you like that one because of the flashing lights.  Funny story about that toy is that it somehow ended up on Mommy's baby registry when I was still pregnant with you.  I know I didn't register for it, but it somehow ended up on there!  And then, lo and behold, your Great-Aunt Jackie bought it for you!  Which I thought was quite hilarious.  But you know what?  I sure am glad she did!  You love it, and it's one of the toys that will quiet you when you get fussy.  Which came in handy when we were riding with Grandma and Grandpa on Saturday.

You have become more independent in a lot of ways.  You are content to sit in your papasan chair and play with toys while Mommy gets other things done (like laundry and dinner and bed-making!).  But sometimes, when Mommy walks over to check on you and you smile at me so big and happily...  Well, I stop what I'm doing, and sit and talk and play with you.  Because you're so much more important than those other things.  And I don't want to regret the times I could've played more with you and interacted more with you, but didn't.  You need me to be your Mommy.  And while it's important for me to show you the importance of work and keeping an orderly and clean house, it's vital that you know you are loved and important.  Because Lynnaea, you are.  Possibly more than you will ever know.

You are the happiest baby in the mornings!  And you have started cooing at stuff when you first wake up, rather than starting out with fussies.  It is the cutest thing, and so I lay in bed and listen to you coo for a bit before I go get you.  Not because I don't want to get you, but because I love to hear those sweet sounds.  Oh Lynnaea, you are my joy.  You still love your changing table.  Which is awesome in the evenings when you are otherwise fussy.  When we do your final diaper change for the night, you can have been fussing like crazy, but we put you there, and you're happy for a while.  So we chat and babble at each other just a bit before your night-time bottle.  And that little bit of evening fuss is a very little bit these days.  You're only fussy for about an hour in the evenings, and that's because you're getting tired and you know it's the end of your day.  You are amazingly routine-oriented and have taken to this new routine quite well and quite consistently.  If it's nap-time and we're out running errands, you just take your nap in your car-seat.  If it's time to eat, you let me know (even if I've lost track of the time!).  Yep, you know your schedule and you're good at keeping it!  But you've also been flexible and laid back in a lot of ways too.  And that's been nice.

Yes, it's been a month of major changes for you, sweet girl.  You are my little go-everywhere-buddy.  And your sweet smile melts me (and I'm pretty sure it melts Daddy too.  I think your smiles at Daddy make him feel all warm and gooey inside).  I said it before, but I'll say it again Lynnaea:  you are my joy.  Thanking you for filling my world with so much goodness and increasing my capacity to love.  I love you always.



This one is my favorite!!!

And the one below...  Not sure if she wanted to talk or smile ;).

 She's talking to those toys excitedly...
 She loves to chew on her toys.
 Mommy caught a smile!
 Pretty successful tummy time!  With some drool ;).
 I just love this outfit, but the picture doesn't do it justice...  Those colors are very vibrant!
 Right after her nap.  I love how she looks upside down at me :).

Snoozing on the way to her cousin's birthday party.  She is a really good traveler!

1 comment:

Julia Smith said...


That baby is just so, so precious and you are an amazing mom! I so enjoy watching her grow and change. I am so happy for you.

Julia Smith