We had a pretty eventful weekend here... Saturday we went out to Jeremy's brother's and enjoyed dinner and played games (Apples to Apples and Phase 10). It was a lot of fun. Harder on the munchkin than I had hoped... Ultimately she did fine. She just had to cry herself to sleep a bit more than I like. But there was nothing I could do. I think she was over-tired (she didn't get a full mid-afternoon nap), and then totally over-stimulated. But she did fall asleep within 5 minutes at around 8 (so past her normal bed-time).
I think she is amazing. We woke her up from that sleep to bring her home, and she didn't fuss at all. We changed her diaper and gave her another bottle (this was around midnight), and she went right to sleep. She is such a sweet baby.
Sunday was Lynnaea's baby blessing day. It was a really special day. Jeremy gave her her blessing, and lots of family and some friends were there to share the special day with us. Both grandmas and one grandpa, one uncle and aunt, 3 cousins, and 3 other family friends (including the couple that introduced us and where Lynnaea got her middle name ;)). And we took pictures afterwards. And I plan to use the little family picture of Jeremy, Lynnaea, and me as the picture to hang above her crib, because I think it's special :).
And don't you just love these little feet!?! Complete with toe fuzz from the outfit I took her to church in (I didn't want her to spit up on the dress, so just changed her into it right before church started! Plus it is way foofie and wouldn't have fit into the car seat!
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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