I kind of slacked a bit on the whole blog posting thing this week... Not that I post uber-exciting posts that people are waiting anxiously to read. Haha... But I usually at least put up some pictures of little Miss Lynnaea for her grandpa (and anyone else who looks forward to seeing this sweet girl growing). I actually slacked on taking pictures much this week too! Aaahh!
I think it's the new schedule. For me, not for her. Jeremy started swings on Tuesday. Lynnaea still has her schedule. I end up staying up later than I should (but still go to bed before Jeremy gets home, since he's working a 10 hour shift and is never home before midnight :-/).
Oh yeah... So being that it's pretty much the end of the harvest time... I've been working on using our garden yields. I will say that our garden produced marvelously well given the lack of care I gave it. Not an easy feat to have a baby for the first time and a garden that is not in your own backyard that requires watering and such... But we ended up with about 5 crookneck squash (not a big yield there unfortunately), 6 bell peppers and maybe 10 or 15 jalapenos (yeah, the peppers didn't do so well this year, but it was a milder summer), somewhere around 40 cups of shredded zucchini (plus several others I gave away or used in other ways other than shredding for future baking use), about 10 mini pumpkins (totally didn't realize I bought ornamental pumpkins this year. Bummer... I like pumpkin pie), and a whole lot of tomatoes. And I do mean a whole lot. I've been giving them away as well as peeling them and using them in case of canned diced tomatoes in soups. I've also made fresh salsa, fresh tomato soup, and home-made spaghetti sauce. I've used the bigger ones for tomato, biscuit, and cheese for dinner. And just having them in salads. And I still have a bunch I had to let ripen indoors. And we may go tomorrow and pick what's left -- even if it's completely green. Yeah... So I've been a bit busy with the harvest.
We fed the missionaries on Monday night. First time Jeremy and I have done that. We did taco salad -- with tomatoes from the garden. I do love taco salad. Talk about an easy meal that makes a lot! I need to remember to make it more often. Because I really do like it. Jeremy made our dessert: french cream pie. It's delicious and even a little fancy because it requires a meringue. Which makes me think I should make a baked alaska again sometime. I haven't done that in AGES.
And what has the munchkin been up to? Just growing :). She laughs more, but you really do have to work at it to get her to laugh! But she is very generous with her happy big smiles. With Jeremy being home in the mornings, I think he is loving being the one to go in and get her when she wakes up either first thing in the morning or after her first nap. Because she is just so smiley. Who knew a toothless grin could warm your heart so much ;)? She is also getting more chatty. It is so cute! I wish videos would upload better here, because if they did, I would upload one I took of her chatting away. She is getting so big. She is completely into her 3 to 6 month clothes. She wants so badly to be able to do more than she can right now. She is quite frustrated that she can't sit up yet. So I think with our next baby I'll be getting a bumbo chair. I now see the genius of them. She is really awesome at grabbing her toys, especially her play links. And she loves going for walks in her stroller.
Anyway, here are a couple of pictures from today. She was busy chewing on her sheep, so she wasn't really interested in giving me a smile. But at least you can see her ;).
I caught a good one of her asleep for one of her naps.
I love the idea of gowns, but now that she's older, she kicks her legs a lot and so the gown is never covering her legs and they get cold. So... bummer.
And the next two are the ones actually from today. I forgot I'd taken those other pictures :). Guess I did better than I thought!!!
She'll be 4 months on Tuesday. It's so hard to believe. Especially when I think back to our first night at home...
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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