So I missed the deadline to report in on my goal status at the 3 month mark. So I decided to wait until the end of 4 months. And a couple of days, apparently. Again, I'm going to try to keep it brief. "Try" being the operative word.
Goal: Attend the Temple monthly
Results: 2 out of 4 so far.
Goal: Read scriptures 30 minutes daily
Results: Still not doing phenomenally well with this, but some days I do better than others
Goal: Write in my journal weekly
Results: Except for one week, I have been successful in this. I write a lot about what's going on as well as feelings and thoughts. So that is definitely an improvement
Goal: Write 30 minutes a day
Results: I wasn't doing especially great with this initially. But when I quit the library, I really got into the groove of it and it was fun! But then issues struck and I haven't written in about 3 weeks. I'll get back on the band-wagon eventually
Goal: Continue adding to my savings account
Results: Despite not having a huge income, I can report well on this. Which makes me very happy.
Goal: Become organized and stay that way
Results: Yeah, not so much here... Boo. But more to work toward the next 8 months!
Goal: Achieve at least one of my 'bucket list' items
Results: Not so far. But there are some really cool things going on, so you just never know.
Goal: See a new place
Results: Again, nothing to report here. But there are still 8 months to go!
Goal: Lose about 8 more pounds
Results: Total success and then some! I am now 3 pounds below my goal weight!!! Which means I'm at my lowest weight in recorded Nilla history!
Goal: 72 Hour Kit
Results: I made a list to get organized. And we bought 3 bags of beef jerky so far for them :).
Goal: 3 to 6 months food storage
Results: We still stock up on canned goods on sale. But I have also finally signed up to work at the cannery and order stuff for our family.
Goal: Expand my garden
Results: I have successfully planted several seeds and have achieved seedlings! So far I have spinach, romaine lettuce, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers, rutger tomatoes, and currant tomatoes. I anticipate tilling the garden next week or so in preparation for the planting. I will also buy seedlings for acorn squash and jalapeno peppers. And I still have my strawberry plants out there and they survived the winter. I'm hoping for a bounty!
Goal: Spend less time online and more time reading
Results: I have definitely been reading more. I have completed about half of my goal for the year. But I also spend quite a bit of time online still. I'm a work in progress, I suppose you could say.
So that's where I stand. I'm feeling good about most of it. And now I'm off!
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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