So the last time I posted, I forgot to include a picture of some of us ladies that went to Time Out For Women in Seattle. So that is what the picture below is. Three people were missing from this one, but we did the best we could as far as getting everyone :). This was taken in a hallway at Bena Roya Hall (which for some reason I always mistakenly call Benny Hawna Hall... I don't know why). Em is on my left in the red. She is responsible for me meeting the cute guy with dimples :).
So in my last post I mentioned a few things. As is typical of the Nilla Life, sometimes things change. A lot. And quickly. One of those things is that I decided to opt out of the blind date bowling thing. Not because it was Friday the 13th (though that's probably a bad omen anyway ;)). I'm not the kind of gal who dates multiple guys at the same time. Not even if one is much more casual and the other is in fairly new stages. Now, had I not liked Jeremy at all and never wanted to see him again, I probably would have gone ahead and gone to the bowling thing. But that isn't the case. Not even a little bit. And that's a mutual feeling. So I have chosen to not go to the bowling thing.
So Jeremy got to my house around 11:15 on Saturday. The plan was for him to take a peek at some things with my car, which he did. Not much can be done with my ghetto vehicle. The original plan was to till the garden. But when he and I solidified plans, the weather forecast was indicating a 70% chance of rain for Saturday. So we were not hopeful on the tilling thing. But it turned out that there was no rain until around 4 in the afternoon! Rock on! So Jeremy and I went and got gas for the tiller, and then he proceeded to till my entire garden. He tilled in the cow manure so that my squash plants will have plenty of fertilizer, since they are heavy feeders. He helped me put up the fence, and we talked a lot during this. Well, as much as we could while the tiller was running. So now you see my garden ready for planting (which I will do this week sometime). Yay!!
Now, I didn't just sit there looking pretty while Jeremy did all the hard work. Nope, I cleaned out the strawberry patch, which had gotten quite overgrown with weeds since September. And here's how it looks now :). It looks like I will have more strawberries this year! Now to go buy mesh to keep the birds out like last year... Because there are already strawberry blossom things coming up... (And okay, so the job I did wasn't nearly as hard as the tilling, so I guess he did do all the hard work. And I know from last year's experience that that is intense stuff...)
So following all the work we did in the garden, we changed clothes and headed to a late lunch at a local diner. Once we were done there, we still had plenty of time before the movie we were going to see. So we went and walked along the waterfront and talked and talked and... talked. He appreciated the slapping story, by the way. He has four older brothers, so he knows all about sibling smack-down. Hahaha. We had decided to see Hoodwinked, Too! at 4:35. Um, totally a dorky movie. But it was free (I had tickets that my mom had won at some Office Manager meeting), and it was a kid's movie, so not a lot of potential for some horribly awkward movie scene... After the movie, while driving home, we did some major swervage to avoid an aluminum ladder left in the middle of the freeway. And then he stopped and removed it to the side of the road so no one else would hit it when it got dark or something. Then we sat outside of my house and talked for another 2 hours or so. Loads of fun. Lots of laughing. And so, yeah, it's early on. And it might flop and go nowhere. But for now, I see loads of potential.
Sunday was bittersweet. I got my new calling: 1st Counselor in Primary. And though I know it will be exciting, I am so sad to say goodbye to these wonderful teenagers:
That's only 4 of them. Half of my class wasn't even there, so that was a bummer. I wrote them each a letter. They are marvelous people, and they taught me so much. And the girls were especially upset that I was not going to be their teacher anymore. One of them said, "We really like you! And not just because you bring us candy! But because you are fun and cool!" I don't know if you know how much that meant to me to hear them say that. I don't consider myself an exceptionally great teacher, and I often wondered how much they learned, etc. But I guess I touched their lives in some small way. And I know that they touched mine.
After church and choir practice, I went by the house to give my mom a Mother's Day present. Okay, so I think my mom is hard to buy for. She never wants anything. But I was at the Dollar Tree the other day and saw this table with all these flowers that would wave back and forth and the leaves would go up and down. They are solar powered. And they made me laugh!! So I bought her one of those, because I figured she would get a kick out of it. And man oh man was I right! She laughed so hard. I didn't realize she would laugh that hard. But seriously, if you just sit and watch this flower, it does elicit giggles and laughs. Just something about it. And it is hilarious! So I consider this a successful, even if dorky, Mother's Day gift.
And in case you were wondering what my plants are looking like these days... I'm disappointed with the tomatoes and such. They just seem so small! But the squash plants are growing like gangbusters!
And you would think that this is where things end. I mean today was a crazy day at the funeral home. Mondays usually are. But today was one of the wackier ones. But like I said, the Nilla Life changes a lot. And fast. Julie keeps telling me I have a hilarious life. I concur. So want to know what happened while I was in the midst of writing this blog? Remember that county commissioner's job I told you about? Remember how I told you the lady I spoke with had been pulling for me and that she had told me that, if things didn't work out with the person they hired, that I might very well be hearing from them soon? Well it turns out she wasn't kidding. She called me today and offered me that job. Turns out it wasn't working out with the guy they hired. All I have to do is call and accept. She told me to think it over tonight. So I'm pretty surprised, to say the least. My life has become suddenly very, very interesting. Very. Interesting.
I'd tell you to stay tuned, but I imagine you already will be ;). Hahaha.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
8 years ago
I'm guessing Hope Floats.
first of all ... thanks for the email. ;)
it came to my phone while i was out running errands tonight ... and i *immediately* hopped over here. of course, DRAT IT ALL ... i wanted to comment right away, but had to wait until i got home.
let me just say ... ... ... i told you so. :)
i'm so very excited for you - and happy for you - on all fronts. even if these paths aren't *it* ... it's cause for new hope.
how i love you.
ps: that picture offer still stands, for ... you know ... whenever. ;)
by the way ... hope floats.
with my main squeeze, harry connick, jr.
HILA!!!! :)
How exciting!
seen those moving plants. one of the ladies that works in the rental office has one of those. looks like u will be having a big garden.
Okay, when I was at the opera last night someone's car we walked by had one of those waving flowers glued to their dashboard:)
Hope Floats??
Oh so awesome!!! and even Ben & I avoid awkward movie moments in theaters. We went on a date recently and saw Gnomeo & Juliet. so cute!!
So happy for you. even if it's just a short term thing, super awesome!!
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