I have been a busy little bee lately. Hence no blogging. No time, people, no time!!! Technically I don't have the time to write this one. But that's just a technicality, so we will overlook it :).
I worked a few days last week at the funeral home. Three, I think. Last week is sort of a blur, actually. Tuesday afternoon I had a meeting for Primary. Which was also true of Thursday evening and Friday morning. Yikes! Meetings galore! On Friday I went to Wal-Mart and bought some new garden boots. They are pretty. My old ones were really just old shoes of my mom's. Like trail-blazer type shoes, so not really for gardening. And the soles were all cracked, so water would seep up into the shoe and soak my socks. No good. And thus, I bought new boots. And mesh to put over my strawberries. Because I'm stingy and don't care to share my strawberries with the birds. I also ended up house-sitting for Bob and Melanie again, so that was nice. Did some reading. Oh! Went to the Police Memorial event at the funeral home on Friday. Eventually I will probably post pictures from it, since there are pictures on the location camera. But I haven't actually been up there with my laptop (or at all for that matter) this week. New job and all that rot. So I will do that on Friday, since I will go in and work up there a few hours in the morning.
Saturday was another pretty day (well, until the evening, which was inconvenient) so I went to Costco with my mom, then to the bank, then to Fred Meyer. Then came home and planted my squash plants in the rich cow-manured soil. Haha. Covered my strawberries. And while the rain is great for free watering, it kind of puts a damper on taking a walk with a certain dimpled cutie who dropped by for a few minutes to bring me garlic bulbs, chives, and raspberry starts to plant out in my garden. :) Then Sunday was a full day. I thought we were singing in Sacrament meeting, so I got there early. But it turned out we weren't singing. My mom arrived with Desiree and Emily and I was so excited to see them!!! Apparently, as soon as my mom got Emily in the car, she started saying, "Go see Ha?" Because Ha is what she calls me. That sweet baby girl! She loves her Ha! And I got to go with Desiree to Primary this time! So we sat together for the first part and she is such a sweet girl. I love my Desiree. Of course, with our first Sunday in Primary as a new presidency, there was a lot to do! Trying to figure out how things go, etc. But it went really well. Then I had choir practice after church. Then I packed up my stuff at Bob's, came home, and then went walking with Sue. Then home to shower, work on dessert for Monday Meals (which was Chocolate Dulce de Leche bars), then back to the church for a Scout Committee meeting. As part of my responsibilities, I will be "in the know" about Scouts in order to report back. Then I came home, got comfy, talked to Jeremy and made plans for Saturday, and then relaxed for the rest of the evening.
Only to have Monday. Which was the beginning of a new job. Okay, I have had some crazy-exposure before (and by that, I mean exposure to crazy people). But I do believe my very first phone call on my very first day of my new job takes the cake. Good gracious, I still don't know what that woman's issue was (she claimed to have multiple issues) and why she thought calling the County Commissioner's office would be a solution. What I do know is the following (because she told me): her husband is a sharp-shooter; she is no dummy, even though people think she is because she is ethnic; she is a visionary woman who predicted 9/11, but everyone laughed at her; the foreclosures across the nation are a scam and Obama is the head of it; everything she was saying is on the dollar bill; we know who she is, because she is the voice in our television, but the voice isn't her, it is her instructor. Yeah.... So that's the phone call that broke me in. The Nilla Life is never very vanilla! The day went well enough. I look forward to being up to speed and having plenty to do, because I detest trying to find something to do to pass the time. The good news is that they hired me in at a step 2 rather than a step 1. But the reason they did that is a bad one, in my opinion. Turns out they are forced to make it a union job, so I will have to pay dues to a stupid union I don't even believe in. Oh well. I might actually come out ahead because of that. We did Monday Meals last night, and it was tons of fun! We never even got around to watching Scrubs. We just sat around telling stories and laughing and catching up. After all, it'd been 3 weeks, and in 3 weeks, a lot happened! And that brings us to today. More work (no crazy callers today) talked to Juliebean on my break, then walking with Sue. And then talked to the one and only fabulous Elka and then Jeremy. Then dinner, shower, pjs, blog, and now on to scriptures and bed!
And because I know what the rest of my week is going to look like, I'll recap it now. Because I don't know how soon I'll have time to update. Tomorrow is work and then hanging out with my friend Heidi who is moving to Colorado. Thursday is work and then a surprise going-away party for Heidi. Friday is work at the funeral home in the morning, 1:00 meeting having to do with Scouts, and then the Temple with my mom. And Saturday, if the weather cooperates, I'm going to work outside in the flower beds (as is Jeremy) and then we're going to go spend the day hanging out and eat somewhere. Oh yeah. Then Sunday I have a 6:30 in the morning meeting. That's pretty gross, so I'm not going to think about it right now :).
After all... I do have much happier things to think of ;).
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
taking a guess that there is a possibility that lady might call more.
A meeting at 6:30 AM is nuts!
see ... i was hoping that a lack of blogging was the result of a lot of 'busy'.
that phone call? oh my heck. sounds like the kind of fun i had all day while i was working. and it is FUN. way to go, blazing those crazy trails so early.
as always, i love reading about your adventures. they make my heart smile with happy ... especially these. :)
love you! (look for that email tonight ... i'm tossing the rest of my to-do list to heck because folks aren't getting back with me about this, that and the other. i'd rather talk to hila. :) )
I LOVE FRED MEYER!!!!!!! (did I come across as passionate? cause that was the desire there...) also love Costco. but I love you most!
signing out the amazing elka
practical magic
i'll be honest - i had to google this one. i've seen the movie many times and remembered the quote, but it was only a faint hint of a memory that i couldn't place. and a little note on the side ... nicole kidman doesn't look like herself in this movie, to me.
love you. :)
oh I know that movie, it's one of my favs. Practical Magic! Tell Heidi Hi for me! Glad you have a new guy to hang with. ;)
dude! I knew that last quote. ACK!!! But I haven't the slightest clue what this new one is. But I am going to bed, my muscles hurt in places I never thought possible. :)
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