Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Well, the big news in the Nilla Life is that I quit my library job yesterday. Well, I put in my two-weeks' notice. No, I do not have another job. I wish I did, but I don't. Well, other than the funeral home. But I'm not counting that, since I already had that one.

So in 8 more days, I won't have to make a 25-minute drive 5 days a week that was essentially a waste of time, energy, effort, gas, and money. Which is why I quit. Financially, it wasn't a wise situation to continue.

And in other semi-related news... I'm expanding my job search parameters. Who knows where I'll end up. Or if I'll just end up right here in Washington. So I'll be sending out applications here, there, and yonder (which is only in the South, of course, since that's where you get told 'it's over in yonder' ;)).

Meanwhile, I'll be accepting applications as well. Job title: Mr. Wonderful. And the pay is freakin' awesome. ;). Feel free to inquire within (the comments). Hahaha.

Okay, that's enough crazy Nilla for the day. Just thought I'd let the world at large know my up-t0-the minute (minus a day) news.


Katherine Ronachert said...

I love you. I'm sorry I'm so crazy busy... :) Keep a smile on that beautiful face and all will be well, soon enough!

the happy thomas family said...

good for you, again. i know you'll be blessed. on ALL fronts. even mr. wonderful. :) ... LOVE YOU. so, so much.

Unknown said...

I think this will be good for you - it will free up more time to concentrate on the job search. Besides that is a long way to drive 5 days a week for just a few hours a day!

I am totally biased in saying this but I hope the perfect job for you is "over yonder" :P

Good things are headed your way - I will send any potential applicants your way ;-)