Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where Have All the [Hours] Gone?

Oh good grief. So, coming up with song title posts as corny as that one are what I do as I drift off to sleep at night. Hahahaha... Either that's really funny, or I'm so tired that I just think it's funny. Because I can't stop laughing about my ridiculous song title post. Either way, it's a tip of the hat to my parents' generation :).

I'm still tired. And I'll give you a run down of my week so you know why. Because I have been intending to post several blogs this week. I've been particularly speculative and even have a post-series in my head. Who knows when it'll get written, if ever. I have simply run out of time. And have felt exhausted! I guess that's what 5 (almost 6) months of unemployment will do to you when you actually have a job again; even if it is a part-time job.

So yeah, Monday was my first day of work! Woohoo! I didn't get into the filing room until Tuesday, and boy oh boy... I can see this will be fun. Let's just say lots of different people from at least the past 60 years have had very interesting and very different ways of filing. I'm making notes as I go along filing stuff that should have been filed years ago about ways to improve the filing system. And I will also say that my feet have been very sore! I'm on them the entire time I work, since I'm going back and forth amongst all the files and trying to hunt down the locations for contracts, etc. My mom ended up being in Seattle from Wednesday to Thursday (including overnight) for a managers' meeting, and that's when life got interesting and sleep became scarce. I'd gotten up early to go into work by 9:30 and then I took some time to take my grandmother to a hair appointment that wasn't supposed to last as long as it did. And then I spent over an hour in Rite Aid waiting for my grandmother. And then I thought I had a thing for Relief Society, but then found out it had been cancelled. So I hung out with Christina for a bit. And when I got home, I found out my grandfather was worried about some health issues, and we called the nurse hotline. She was concerned about what we were describing, so we went to the hospital. We left the hospital at 3 in the morning with little to no explanation about what was causing my grandpa's discomfort. The good news is that he is feeling better. And though my grandmother very hopefully suggested we go to eat at the Pancake House (at 3:10 in the morning), I politely declined. I was soooooo tired. And I had to work the next morning. So I got 5 hours of sleep that night/morning, and then went to work. And thanks so much to Ben for taking Grandpa to get his prescriptions! I will say I am so thankful for all of my family and how they help me when I need them. So thank you Ben! I love you! Anyway, I digress... I had a meeting Thursday night, but that ended up cancelled too, but I didn't find out until I showed up at the girl's house (I hadn't had a chance to check my email that day). And then my mom got home and I wanted to spend time with her, so I was up until after midnight once again. So, that's my story of 5 hours of sleep in 40 hours. I got a decent amount of sleep Thursday night; worked almost all day Friday to make up the hours I lost on Wednesday, and then watched tv with my mom last night until midnight. I know! I'm such a glutton for punishment!. Especially since I had to wake up at 7:15 this morning to cook a crustless quiche for a Relief Society brunch (which turned out so nice, by the way). And then my mom and I went to Costco and other stores the rest of the day. And I have to say... I'm bushed!

Of course, the week has had its highlights...

One of the guys at my mom's job couldn't believe I'm 28. He said I look no older than 24. It's always so nice (once you actually want to be thought of as younger) when someone thinks you are younger :).

I got to look at this little cutie try to figure out who the heck I am (and possibly what the heck is wrong with me). If I had to guess at what she's thinking at this moment, it would be one of the following two thoughts (if not both):
1. Please tell me I'm not related to this person.
2. Please tell me I won't have to deal with her on a regular basis... I think she's nuts.
Sorry Emily... You are stuck with me ;). Anyway, she's so expressive. I love her little facial expressions. Christina said she's starting to smile now. It's so excited to watch them grow and change, and they do that so much in the first year. Oh yeah, and I "stole" this picture from my sister's blog :).

I got a surprise package from my cousin Elka! Okay, I know she told me she sent me a package. But I'd forgotten about it. So, I was so surprised when it arrived on Wednesday. And the contents were oh-so-awesome :). Butterfingers (which will probably be forever more an item in all packages in this family) and an "I love Jim" (from The Office) mug. Thank you, dear Elka! You make me laugh!

I had a lovely conversation with my dad last night. He makes me laugh too. I love filling him in on life in this Pacific Northwestern state. It's fun to talk to him and hear him laugh.

*And Heather, Kira, Mrs. S, Christina, Kristin, Tarylyn, Julia-Ann, and Julie have also guessed the movie quote correctly!*


Jenny said...

Cute picture with the baby. The picture with the coffee cup u should have a title under it saying umm yummy.

Katherine Ronachert said...

you are welcome! thanks for putting up with me!
love ya!

Katherine Ronachert said...

pretty in pink

Christina said...

the movie is Sixteen Candles.

Heather said...

I'm not from your parents' generation, but I love Peter, Paul, & Mary.

Good luck with the filing. Hopefully you can set up a system that they will actually stick to. It's so hard to find what you need when things aren't filed properly.

Tarylyn said...

16 candles

Katherine Ronachert said...

hey, time to post again!
did you get my last comments?

Stefanie Nicole Barker said...

I love your life :) Pancakes in the wee hours of the morning does sound a bit exhausting. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your commment about me being a good writer. That meant a lot. And your facebook message back! I should be getting internet in my apartment soon so I'll be better able to keep in touch, k? :)