Dear Lynnaea,
Another month gone. Where do they all go? People who have known you since birth ask me how old you are and when I tell them, they gape. They can't believe it either.
Daddy says your a toddler now.
I still say you're a baby. But the truth is you'll always be my baby. Always.
Oh beautiful girl, my love for you grows and grows. I simply didn't know I was capable of loving so very much. Of course, with this love comes the potential for worry beyond my experience too. Your crazy mommy has always been a worrier by nature. In the last couple of days, we had a bout of something yucky. We don't know if it's something you ate or if you picked up a flu-type thing. But it messed up your digestion for a few days, and after 3 days of it, I was starting to worry. And it occurred to me how those two go hand-in-hand: the love and the worry. I'm happy to report all is well in your tummy's world again. This makes me happy for you and for me! Because, just for your {future} information (since I'm sure you don't care right now), we didn't enjoy all the leaked-through diapers... ;).
Here's another funny story for you: a couple weekends ago, I was helping throw a baby shower. So I decided it'd be better for you to stay with Daddy instead of going with me. Daddy said he might take you down to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I told him to send me a text if he did so that I knew not to expect you and him to be home when I came home. And then I added, 'But mostly my baby.' Daddy just gave me a look. Hahaha.
But the thing is this: you've become such a huge part of my life. And sure, I know there will be days ahead when you push away more and where almost your every waking moment is spent in my presence. But for now, that's our normal. Even when I'm trying to take a shower or go potty. And so, after a while of not being with you... Well, I just start to miss you incredibly! And let's just say you must feel the same about me -- in even less time. Because when Daddy is home and I go to take a shower, I close the bathroom door and your melt down. And even when you're in the bathroom with me, you don't handle it well that you can't get into the shower with me. It's a heart-breaking cry, but you get over it.
Anyway, you're just my little go-everywhere buddy. Many people call you my mini-me (apparently you favor me more than Daddy). And you're such an agreeable happy baby.
And what have you been up to this past month? A lot. Including putting teeth marks on most of the DVD cases ;).
You are walking around in your walker... Well, not exactly in it, but with it. You didn't care for sitting in the seat and being "trapped" (though that's nice for Mommy when she wants to keep you contained!). You love to push it and walk with it, though. Even from the side! You have stood on your own for about 5 seconds, but you haven't realized that you can do it, so I don't really count it. You have learned how to hand things to me and Daddy and to ask for them back by holding out your hand. And you are starting to form sounds that will soon be words! Your favorite right now is yayayaya. But you also do dadada and just today started with bababa. You walk along the couch, the pews at church, and the bed. You figured out how to drink out of a straw!
You're curious about everything. And though you are happy and eventually smile at most people who smile at you, you take a few minutes to assess the situation and give new people a once-over before committing to a smile. You are a mellow baby, and though you certainly do cry from time to time (see aforementioned melt-downs when you can't reach Mommy), most people never witness your crying and have asked me if you ever cry or fuss. And now, most of the time when you're tired and ready for naps or bed-time, you lay on the floor and grab the closest blanket or burp rag, snuggle it and suck your thumb. And we know... it's bedy-bye time for the baby!
Yes, Lynnaea, you are a joy. Every day is a new adventure. And I'm so glad I get to be a part of all of it... Even the yucky poop and vomit days. I love you precious girl. Always.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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