Friday, May 10, 2013

Celebrating Saria -- A Photo Dump

Well, since I have not posted in a timely fashion as far as Saria's birthday is concerned...  I'm going to do a photo dump :).

This is Emily with her new pixie cut -- that she mostly did herself.  and she's trying to blow up a balloon.  She wasn't successful.  But very cute?  Yep.
 Here's 12 year old Saria.  Growing up way too fast.  And ready to open some gifts.
 Here she is opening presents surrounded by kiddos who are just as excited as she is!
 Saria's birthday cake.
 Saria with her birthday cake.
Making a wish!!!
And this was from Wednesday (2 days ago) when I took her for her birthday ice cream.  This year she chose ice cream instead of frozen yogurt.  She got cake batter with reese's cups crushed in while I got my standard cake batter with cookie dough mixed in :).  It was a lovely day by the afternoon.  Chilly in the shade, but warm in the sun.  And I'm fine with that -- we don't want another scorcher like Monday!

And finally, my 38 weeks picture. 
Next post should be all about Baby and Baby Showers :).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such an exemplary aunt! So sweet of you to take her for an annual celebratory ice cream - she'll remember that forever :) And...Happy Mother's Day :)