Monday, May 6, 2013

Ain't It Swell?

These are not my feet.  Well, they are...  But they don't usually look so fat and swollen.  This may be my new least favorite part about pregnancy.  At least I got to 37.5 weeks before finding it...

I've now paid the price for too much time on my feet.  And though I did not leave the house today in an effort to rest more and be on my feet less... I don't think I was actually on my feet less.  I was doing dishes, laundry, changing sheets, and working on organizing all the baby stuff we've received recently.  And because I'm just this neurotic, I have been separating everything into categories (ie diapering, clothes, blankets) and taking pictures for when I post all the baby shower pictures (soon, I hope).  And so tonight, my feet feel horrible again.  I have had good blood pressure, so I don't think it's pre-eclampsia.  But maybe they'll take my blood pressure at the Stork Express visit tomorrow morning.  And I've looked up all the symptomology and I really think I have just over-done it.  Plus it has been ridiculously hot in Washington the last couple days.  Today's high was 87 degrees (while Dothan's was 69, for anyone interested).  That's disgusting.  To quote a gal I know from church:  "What the heck, Washington?"  So I'm trying to guzzle water -- and I need to try harder to stay off my feet.  But I now have 3 piles of laundry waiting to be washed -- all the outfits and blankets and crib sheets we've received.

P.S...  Those little plastic things they use to hold tags on clothes, and to hold baby blankets together in a cute display way...  I think they may be the devil.  Especially the ones in the blankets.  Seriously -- how many does one blanket need?  (By my count, it's possible the number is 10...).  Haha...   


jessica said...

Prop and take a load off, momma! You will be glad you did!! This is where flip flops become your best friend! BTW, I do think you're swell!!

Katherine Ronachert said...

It's just being on your feet too much :) don't stress and take it easy relax!!! Stop nesting so much!!! ;)

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry you're feeling swollen, but so happy (and not surprised) that you're keeping such a fabulous sense of humor about it! You're incredible - and wow, so close!!! :)