Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Because Who Doesn't Want Another Pregnancy Post?

Yeah, it's all I blog about.  I know.  But it's what's going on in my life.  That and food.  Haha...  So I'll even include a food picture.  Just to shake things up a bit ;).

Today marks 31 weeks.  It really is weird to think I've been pregnant that long.  Baby goes from being really active for several days to not as active.  And then repeat.  Actually, I think baby is still active, but I'm not feeling as much depending on how Baby is situated.  Because I can look down and see my stomach moving and not be feeling much of anything.  I think this is due to the fact I have an anterior placenta.  Oh the things you learn...

And look!  There's sunshine in Washington!  Today was rainy then sunny then rainy, then finally sunny.  And very windy. 
I have decided that my inability to sleep well at night may be the whole "your body is helping you get ready for when you have a baby" thing.  I wake up at least twice during the night and it takes me forever to get back to sleep.  And then I make up for it the next morning after Jeremy leaves.  I always get a good solid two-hour early morning nap in.  Part of me feels guilty for sleeping in so late.  The other part of me says, "Eh... Enjoy it while it lasts."  The latter part wins out every time :).  But yeah... This morning I actually got up with Jeremy at 6, because I'd already been laying there awake for an hour.  Good times.

Oh, and in case you needed to know... I don't like our new upstairs neighbors.  We had a blissful month of nobody up there.  And before that, it was a single guy and our biggest complaint with him was that we could hear his video game music through the floor/ceiling when we were trying to go to bed.  But even that was pretty tolerable.  These new people stomp a lot and have a kiddo who doesn't walk -- ever.  He runs and jumps.  Jeremy says it's a good thing, because we won't have to feel so guilty about a screaming baby in a few months. 

I invited ladies over for crafting again this month.  I tried a new pinterest recipe.  Eh.  Not all I hoped for.  I love lemon.  Love it.  Love lemon bars.  Thought these would fit the bill, as they were really easy.  I should have gone for a chocolate recipe.  So if you want to know... you take one box of Angel Food Cake mix and mix it with 2 cans of lemon pie filling.  Then throw it in a greased 9x13 and bake at 350 for 25 to 30 minutes.  Cool completely then sprinkle with powdered sugar.  They are okay.  But I don't like the texture and they just aren't my favorites.  I won't make them again.  I also made a queso blanco cheese dip.  It was yum, but the link wasn't working when I needed it, so I went off my memory.  And my memory pretty much failed me.  I left out 2 ingredients.  And perhaps, with those two things in there, the cheese wouldn't have solidified so fast after being heated.  Boo.  That was my big complaint.  And like I said, probably my own fault.  I also made a punch that I got compliments on and I enjoyed.  However, it was really sweet.  And I should have read the reviews.  Had I, I would have turned the 1 1/4 cup sugar the recipe called for into 1/4 cup sugar.  Because everything else you add (except the water) also has sugar in it...  I didn't take pictures of the cheese or punch.  But here are the lemon bars :).
And now that you've had a break from pregnancy stuff...  How about I show you some exciting things I have gotten :)?  So...  One of the things I really wanted to get brand new was a boppy.  Women swear by them.  I was even told by a former male co-worker that -- if you have a two-story house -- you should get two of them: one for each floor.  Because you just don't want to wait to have to go downstairs to get it.  Haha...  But these things run $30 (if you get the one sans slipcover) to $50 (I'm guessing for special limited edition slipcovered ones?).  I was totally going to spend the money ($40 for a regular slip-covered one).  But I stopped into Ross last Friday, thinking I'd get the baby carrier thing (you know, those things you carry the baby around in so you can have your hands free) I'd seen there a few weeks earlier.  Well, they didn't have any more of those.  But I happened upon this boppy!  Brand new, with slip cover, for $25!  The only one!  I snatched it up.  Who cares if it's blue and we don't know what we're having (but we think we're having a girl...)?  That slip cover comes off.  And who cares anyway...  The baby won't.  And I have a friend who has already told me she can fashion me a new cover that could be neutral.  So there we go.  I saved $15.  I was so excited!
We also got a glider off Craigslist.  (Alas, this time it came from a stranger, so no cool stories there...).  I was excited to find this nice glider for $40 when all the other ones I have seen have been going for $60 to $75.  Woohoo!  I will take a picture when we have it all put back together (it's needful to disinfect things you know :)).  But it's a nice one with arm rest covers that have pockets :).  Woohoo!

And then a lady at church gave me these:
The bunny is a blanket buddy and the other is a cube/ball.  They are adorable and so soft!!  I'm not sure if they are knitted or crocheted.  I plan to learn to knit here soon, so maybe one day I'll know :). 

So yep, we're racking up the baby stuff.  That extra bedroom is filling up.  I've been told I shouldn't buy anything else until after the baby showers.  Just so people can get me something.  But I feel bad about people spending money on stuff...  And especially big ticket items.  I figure we should incur that expense.  Because I'll be needing diapers and wipes out the kazoo.  And all sorts of other odds and ends (who knew babies come with so much stuff!).  It's looking like I will have 2 baby showers... One thrown by church friends and one by Lea.  And they will be consecutive weekends:  April 27 and May 4.  And life is not going to be slowing down between now and then!  It's crazy. 

And guess what?  Jeremy and I will be celebrating one year of marriage on Saturday :).  Hard to believe it's been a year!  And what a year it's been! 

Well, ta ta for now! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!! :) SUCH cute things, Hila. Where are you and baby registered at?