I know I have gotten terrible at updating this blog. But I've discovered that I just need to accept that, because there's not much I can do about it. My priorities are elsewhere these days. Unfortunately, I'm also not journaling as much as I should... But seriously, my time is gone so fast! I'm sure many of you understand completely. It's just one of those things you don't get until you do. I'd never have believed how busy it can be to be an at-home-mom. Anyone who believes we sit on our bottoms enjoying bon-bons is crazy.
That said... Let's see what kind of photos I can upload to prove that we are still alive and still doing our thing.
(P.s... Jeremy is on graveyard shift again. We've gotten through 2 weeks of it and have one left. I really really really do not enjoy this shift. Like at all. One of his co-workers had the nerve to ask if he wanted to trade and keep graves for another month. I told him he could blame his wife for the answer being NO!)
And so, to some pictures!
Corbin loves the mirror. It's super cute.
We have been working hard to have weekly Family Home Evenings, because we believe doing so will bless our family. You can learn more about what Family Home Evening is all about by following this link. Anyway, as I mentioned in the previous post, Lynnaea is copying so much of what we (her parents) say. And some of it just sounds awful coming out of a 2 year old's mouth. We don't choose to use swear words in our home, which is probably a good thing, since she would repeat them. But even so, there are still things we say that aren't super nice-sounding. Like "stupid garbage." Which she has said. Also, she is going through the whole "NOOOO!" phase. So, we did a Family Home Evening on nice words (those around the happy face) and not so nice words (those around the sad face). We based some of our lesson (and Jeremy and I read over this to even help us) on the talk by Elder Holland called "The Tongue of Angels." It's an amazing talk. This lesson came together perfectly for our family, and I know it was inspired by the Spirit. It's hard to be a mother, and I want what's best for my kids. I'm not an idea person, so for this to work so well together (and we had "Angel Kisses" (meringue cookies) for treat :)) makes me know the Lord knows my heart and my good desires for my family. He will bless me as I strive to do what is best and right in raising my sweet babies. After all, they are His beloved children too. Parenthood is going to help me become a better person, that's for sure. Because I have to fix my own way of talking in order to instill it in my children!
Anyway, so that's what that picture is about.
The kids both love hearing stories at bed-time. Lynnaea requested that Daddy read stories on that particular night. Seriously, even Corbin loves to watch the pictures on the pages! I love that quote that "Children become readers on the laps of their parents." This picture depicts it so well!
Corbin is working on sitting up. He still has a ways to go, but he has a great example in Lynnaea! I keep telling her he will want to be just like her! She is his example!
Love this sweet face! And those cheeks!!! He still has blue eyes, too.
He may be starting to teethe. He wants to chew on everything!
Well, go I must. Corbin just woke up from his nap, and typing is now a challenge ;).
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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