My sister stopped by for a bit this afternoon. And while we didn't dance together cheek to cheek (I'm a dork...), we did take a picture bump to bump :).
I'm at 23 weeks today, and she's around 21. She's having a boy. Ours is still a mystery, but we still think boy. I think it's pretty awesome that so far both of my kiddos have a cousin very close in age. When I had Lynnaea, Brad and his wife had just had Vivienne a month before. Christina will have her baby very near when I have mine. There's even potential of a same-day delivery, since she has c-sections and will be scheduled early. And if I go a little late... Well, wouldn't that be funny.
Anyway, thought my dad would enjoy that picture.
Desiree read a book to Emily and Lynnaea. That is one of Lynnaea's favorite books we've checked out from the library. It's called Wow! Said the Owl. It's about colors and a curious little owl who stayed up all day so she could see what the daytime was like. And she was amazed by all the colors. It's a really cute story.
And it seems like no post is complete without a Lynnaea and mommy selfie. Because anytime she sees my camera, she wants to take a picture. She has a camera of her own that we film videos of her on and then let her walk around the house watching them. But my camera is off limits -- other than taking pictures ;).
This munchkin had a full and fun day today. We went and tried out Toddler Time (an interesting experience for me as a mom...) and then we joined our friends Megan and Jack (Jack's about 2 weeks younger than Lynnaea) at McDonald's for lunch (they also went to Toddler Time). Then we came home, took naps, went to the library to get new books (we kept the owl book for another week...). Then Christina and the girls came over. And then Daddy got home from work. So it was a full day! Those are the kind she likes best, though... She's my little adventurer.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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