So lately I have caught the reading bug... again. I catch it from time to time ;). And I want to do nothing but sit and read. It's not even just because I have gotten into a really great book. It's just that I want to read. These days, that means I stay up far too late (because it's really the only time I get to read, after the little one goes to bed). Anyway, this has not much to do with my post, except that I decided to finally write about some of my musings after reading this quote from John Adams (from the book John Adams by David McCullough -- a thoroughly enjoyable book, of which I am about 2/3 of the way done!):
"whether they be old or young, rich or poor, high or low, wise or foolish, ignorant or learned, every individual is seen to be strongly actuated by a desire to be seen, heard, talked of, approved and respected."
Those words really ring true with me. I've thought often about why blogging was (maybe still is?) so popular. Why do I have 5 different blogs, with contemplations of starting a new one? Why is facebook so wildly popular? Why do I want to publish a book in my lifetime?
And, at least for me, I think a part of it is exactly what John Adams wrote many, many years ago in the late 1700s. It is a desire to be noticed.
Now, I do not have the desire to be noticed such that I'd be willing to be notorious and do something awful. I learned long ago (I hope ;)) that bad attention is not good attention! But for some reason, I've always wanted to be somebody. I've wanted my writing to impact lives. I can remember something my 11th grade Physiology teacher wrote in my yearbook. He wrote that he hoped to see my name in lights some day. And at age 16, I hoped he would too. And, though I sit here, 16 years later, I can't say I've seen that happen -- I mean, so few of us really do. But I can't deny I've still hoped from time to time that I would make an impact on the world. That I would 'be seen, heard, talked of, approved and respected' as a person.
And maybe I can't speak for others and the reasons they blog or share stuff on facebook, etc. I just know that, while it may not be my only reason, I have to be honest and admit that it's definitely a part of the reasons I blog and facebook and still dream of being published one day. I have to admit that it's why I love the comments and likes and things of that nature that come through social media.
Does this make me seem shallow? Oh, I suppose it's possible. But based on the quote by John Adams, I guess it also makes me pretty darn human. And I've never claimed to be anything more than that ;)...
And here's a few pictures for your viewing pleasure :).
This was the very first day she let me put her hair up and she didn't take it out immediately. We've had one other successful day so far. We're working on it ;).
So one of Lynnaea's fun pastimes is getting cans out of the can rack and putting them on the counter. I have no idea why she likes doing this, but she does. So here she is putting a can of chicken on the counter...
ANd here she is by the can rack -- which is in our room due to space constraints. So she travels back and forth from our room to the kitchen with canned goods. Giggling the whole way. She's pretty determined too. It's stinkin' cute.
Her other new thing stems from her automatic desire to hit mommy (me) when she's frustrated. I'm assuming this must be a stage kids go through, because we don't hit in our household. Like at all. We don't spank Lynnaea, and we've never hit each other. And yet, she has somehow determined that hitting mommy is a good response to frustration (when I'm the source of said frustration). Anyway, we are having none of that, and she goes to time out for hitting. But always, right after she hits me, I grab her arm (that just hit me) and sternly say "No ma'am, we do not hit Mommy." And then she goes to time out. After which, when time out is done, we talk about why she was in time out and why it is not okay to hit Mommy (or Daddy, though she's never tried with him). Anyway, that's just the back story. Earlier this week, she started running around the house saying "Don't hit Mommy." Very emphasized, very clearly, and very well-spaced between words. So it's like "Don't. Hit. Mommy."
Yes, she's my little copy-cat.
Ah yes, potty time. So she gets to use the tablet while she sits on the potty. We're still at the stage of helping her understand that we go potty in the potty. So we just pick a random time and sit her on the potty for 10 to 15 minutes. We've had success a few times, but nothing consistent. But anyway, Jeremy was trying to make a "table" for her to hold the tablet. And we put a jacket on her if she's been in footie pajamas, since essentially, when she's in the footies, we have to take them off completely during potty time. And we don't want her to get too cold ;). It's kind of cute.
I think this was right before book club. She wanted to take a picture, because I'd just finished doing a pregnant belly picture.
I've started making green smoothies using my THRIVE ingredients, and I love it! So does this little pretty girl. She always asks for more and drinks it all up! And I feel happy to oblige, when I know she's getting extra veggies :).
Sometimes it's tough being a toddler!
So, we've been working on the transition to one nap a day. But many days, her one nap is a garbage nap (read: no more than 45 minutes). But she usually doesn't want to nap again until like 4 p.m. and by then, it's too late. Because I want her to go to bed at a decent time so I can have some me time (for reading, as mentioned above ;)). Probably sounds selfish, but most moms get it. Anyway, she doesn't need to be up super late. She's 1 1/2. So anyway, I keep her up. And usually it works out fine. But the other night, while I wasn't looking, she plopped down on the bean bag chair and zonked out. Poor kid.
So there ya go. The randomness that is my life ;).
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago