Wednesday, April 30, 2014

To Everything There is a Season

The first song title post in a long time!!

As I sat looking at the baby clothes I was packing away today, I couldn't help but wonder:  will I pull these out again some day?  Or will I pass them on to someone else with a baby girl without ever using them again? 

Either way, they will never again be worn by my Lynnaea.

And I know this is the way of life.  But a part of me is still sad and feels the bittersweetness of the moment.

My little girl is a baby no longer.  She is a toddler.

I am grateful.  Grateful she is healthy and growing.  Grateful she is mine.

At the same time, though, I cannot believe nearly a year has passed.  That she has gotten so big.  Imperceptibly, when looked at day by day.  Yet over 11 months...  She is practically walking!  And so tall (almost 29 inches). 

But, there is a time for everything.  And today, it was time to pack away almost all of her baby clothes.  Because her season of infancy is over.  And while it may break my heart in a way that I cannot describe, I rejoice as well that I am a part of this precious baby's life.  I am awed by her every single day.  Amazed at the love I feel for her.  And how I cannot imagine life without her now, even though I spent 32 years of my life without her.

What a beautiful thing to be a mother.  What a blessing.  Even when it's bittersweet.

Lynnaea's first Easter.  We put some raisins, cheerios, and yogurt melts into eggs; along with pictures of the Savior.  She found them -- with a little help ;).

Her Easter dress.  She's ready for church.

In her new big-girl car seat!! On our way to Monday Meals at Lea's!  She loves this car seat because she can look out the windows.  She almost never falls asleep in the car anymore.

The newest member of 3M chowing down on some deliciousness!  She enjoyed the linguine and rolls along with us.  We'll wait a little longer on the ricotta meatballs and the warm winter lemon cake, though ;).

This is how she sleeps now.  I love it
My toddler today.  It's getting close to nap-time.  But I figured an up-to-date picture was in order ;).  I love this baby.  So very much.

1 comment:

Katherine Ronachert said...

Yup. It's so very bittersweet... :( and :)
I love you!