Dear Lynnaea,
Today marks 5 months that you've been bringing joy into my life. And you've had quite a month! Let me tell you all about it.
You rode your first boat -- a ferry. We went to a family get-together for Daddy's family and you were held the entire time by your aunts and cousins. You are loved by so many, Baby Girl.
You are sitting up -- as long as we make sure there's something around you to help you. You're quite happy with this accomplishment, and you love to be able to look at all your toys spread out around you.
You started to eat rice cereal! You were a little skeptical at first, but you really enjoy it now. You gobble it up. Our process is fun: you grab my pinky finger and open your mouth for the spoon. So stinkin' cute -- that's you. You also want to grab the spoon. And sometimes I let you. And when you're ready to be done with your cereal, you start sucking your thumb. Which I think is hilarious.
You also have two teeth! Both of them are on the bottom. You haven't bitten mommy yet (other than on my hand when I let you chew on it). Everyone gets excited and wants to see your teeth whenever I tell them you have them... You usually stick your tongue out so nobody can. But when you smile so big and pretty... Well, they are on display for everyone! And you're such a sweet, happy girl, so you show those teeth off quite a bit.
You have started to anticipate things. I like to lift my arm way up high above you when you lay on your back and I start wiggling my fingers and saying, "tickle, tickle, tickle" as I slowly bring my hand toward you. And you start laughing when my hand is halfway to reaching you. You know what's coming now! It's so cute!
You also found your feet and toes. And where was the first place they went? In your mouth. Just like everything you get your hands on. Including the plastic fire-fighter hat you got at the parade in July -- and which we shouldn't have let you chew on, since you scratched your face with it... Hmmm... That's now out of your toy arsenal.
You seem to enjoy scooting around in your crib while you sleep. And then you wedge yourself in a corner and can't get out, so you cry. And that's when Daddy or I go in to help you get back to your rightful spot. But beyond that, you are quiet at night, and you sleep well. If you wake up, you usually put yourself right back to sleep (unless said wedging occurs...).
You are such an easy-going and tolerant baby. You like new experiences, and you are my go-everywhere-buddy.
Oh Lynnaea, you continue to amaze me every day. Do you know how thankful I am to be your mommy? Do you know how you have blessed my life? Sweet girl, I love you.
Love always,
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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