Monday, February 20, 2012

Celebrating Those I Love

So last Sunday (the 12th) was the birthday of two of my favorite people in the world. One turned 27. And one turned 7. That would be Christina and Desiree, respectively ;). So following are a few pictures of the celebrations.

Christina and I hit up the mall for gourmet bacon and cheese fries, lemonade, and Baskin Robbins ice cream. And checking out a couple of stores.

Desiree and I hit up Coldstone and she got a special birthday girl waffle cone cup.

In case you don't recognize it from the hideous pizza, this was taken at Chuck E. Cheese. I don't enjoy Chuck E. Cheese. But I love the kids. Above is Autumn (Brad's new step-daughter), Saria, and Benjamin.
Desiree's party was at Chuck E. Cheese and it was a total mad-house!

Emily is adorable.

And she loves her Aunt Hila. And her Aunt Hila loves her.

Blowing out the candles.

And all the kids wanted a picture with Chuck E. Cheese, who brought the cake over. Brad says this rat freaks him out a bit. Haha...


Katherine Ronachert said...

awesome! what fun. you look amazing, just so you know. :)

the happy thomas family said...

baskin robbins, coldstone and ... bacon. and. cheese. fries?

OH MY. be still my artery-clogged heart.


glad you all had a lovely time. yay for birthdays! and i agree ... you do look fabulous :) . love you, dear hila.

Nilla said...

Clearly it's all those artery-clogging goodies... :). Love you both!