Saturday, February 26, 2011

Previously Untitled On Accident...

Well, another week has zoomed on by. It was a pretty decent week. Full of the typical ups and downs of life. I did my usual work stuff. We are planning a huge party at the funeral home. It's going to be a blast. And I promise to have pictures, because goodness knows it's going to be a sight to see! Our Party Planning Committee met Wednesday evening to go over the finer details. We are going all-out. I'm so excited.

Thursday night, Rebecca and I hit the mall and Target and just hung out. We got nachos and soda (well, Rebecca got a slushee and pasta) while at Target, and I made the same mistake I always make: I opted for cherry coke. Which is caffeinated. And it was 8 p.m. The result was an inability to fall asleep until 2 in the morning. I never learn... Hahaha. Maybe I will remember for the next time?

This week was hideously cold in Washington. It was predicted to bring snow. And it did... For some parts of the state. Just not my specific area (though everywhere surrounding me got snow). I was really hoping for the snow. It would have meant some paid days snuggled up in bed ;). Oh well... But if it's not going to snow and do something useful... Then it should stop being 20-something and 30-something degress. I'm just sayin'.

Friday night I hung out with a few ladies from church. We enjoyed dinner, dessert (in honor of Heidi's birthday), and The Singles Ward (church-ish movie that never ceases to make me laugh).

Today after work, my mom and I went to Fred Meyer and picked up Benjamin's birthday present. Well, she did.... I already had mine. Well, Fred Meyer didn't have a huge toy selection, and we had plenty of time, so we headed to Wal-Mart. Then we met everyone at Shari's and ate dinner. Desiree got her ears pierced today, so she was very excited about that. We enjoyed all being together. After we were done eating, we headed to Brad and Tarylyn's for the rest of the celebration. Benjamin opted to open presents first. At one point, he picked the one I had given him. I said, "That one's from Aunt Hila." Samuel said, "Which is you. What? Do you think she (pointing to my mom) is Aunt Hila?" That kid is something else. So here is Benjamin with a present from his Nonna and Papi in Alabama:
And here he is being sung to by everyone. Happy Birthday Benjamin!!
And here he is! Big Boy Benjamin is 5!!!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

"We are planning a huge party at the funeral home..." That made me laugh. :)