Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blanketed Success

I don't generally put the Marvelous Monday Meals on my blog. But I think we did such a great job with our Chinese night last night that I am :). Below you will see our first course: egg drop soup.
Then it was on to the main course of the meal. We had orange chicken, cauliflower fried rice, and chicken chow mein. Also store-bought spring rolls. But for the record, everything else was made from scratch! I think we did an awesome job! Oh, and notice the chopsticks? I actually managed to get food in my mouth with those! It was a proud moment ;).
And of course we finished up with fortune cookies (homemade!). Making these brought plenty of memories, let me tell you. We had no clue what to expect, and with our first batch, we laughed hysterically when we folded in our self-made fortunes and it looked like a mini skinny pankcake! Surprisingly enough, though, they did harden up. Lea's husband contributed a few fortunes as well. She laughed when she read one of them and showed it to me. It said, "You will find money, but you will not be able to keep it." She said, "Geez Chuck. Just put a bad fortune in there..." I laughed and said, "Well you watch girl, I'm going to manage to get that one." So we continued our baking of fortune cookies and we had more fortunes than cookies, so some fortunes got left out. So at dessert, we passed around the fortunes. I opened my first one (and it looked like what you see below... I ended up eating some paper, since it was stuck to the cookie and wouldn't come off...) and my fortune said, "He who learns to laugh at himself never runs out of things to laugh at." Hahaha. I actually put that fortune in. Then I got my 2nd one and opened it. We saw quickly that it was one with Chuck's handwriting. And as I read it, I laughed out loud. Because yep. Out of 14 fortune cookies and 19 fortunes, not only did the "bad" fortune wind up in a cookie... It ended up in my hands. Just like I predicted! Hahaha. We all laughed so hard. So the fortune cookies were more chewy than crispy, hence the difficulty in separating the paper from the cookie... But they weren't bad. Kind of like a Chinese sugar cookie, as Chuck said.
Lately, overnight lows have been dipping way into the low 20s. This has wreaked havoc on my car as I indicated. Turns out it's not only freezing the locks, but also freezing the doors. So Monday, I was only successful in getting the passenger door open (until the car thawed out), so I had to crawl in through the passenger side. And this was after I parked it as far under the carport as I possibly could (there's a lot of junk under there). So last night, I decided to try a new tactic in addition to pulling in as far as possible under the carport. I covered it with an old quilt. I tucked in my car for the night. (Because by 9:30, my car already had ice on it).
And guess what: It worked!!!! I had no problem getting into my car this morning! Yay!!! So guess what else? My car is tucked in again tonight. I'm half tempted to read it a bedtime story and see if it won't plug up its own coolant leak (which I found today). Hahaha. If only it were that easy...


the happy thomas family said...

your chinese night looks so yummy! i have an undeniable craving now ...

love you.

jessica said...

I love fortune cookies...especially homemade ones, but I rarely have the patience for them since I can only get them to turn out right if I make 3 at a time...or less Your's look delicious!!

Leap Year