Friday, November 5, 2010

Tricky Tricky Halloweeny

Yeah, so I'm a week late in getting this posted. What can I say? It's been a busy and exhausting week. And tonight I'm looking forward to a snuggly cozy evening at home, reading. Which is why I will go heavy on the pictures and light on the diatribe (which is so un-Nilla). The Halloween Party went off well. We opted to do it on Sunday to give the kids that one extra day of wearing their costumes, since they all took the kids trunk-or-treating at the church on Saturday night. Christina went as a character from the series True Blood, which is a vampire show. She was bitten by a vampire. I did my 80s thing. And by some stroke of luck, I could fit into that skirt. Barely. And here are Brad and Tarylyn as well, while I'm there cutting up booberry treats.
And then I went all psycho. For the sake of Halloween. But this is really how I felt this week.
The food. I've become more and more minimalist as the years have passed. I think the amount of food is inversely proportional to the number of jobs I have. Or maybe not. But it sounded intelligent :). All mathy.
Here are Nick and Christina. With some very awesome punch in the background, if I do say so myself. It's my new favorite punch recipe. We were going to do a brain ice mold in that punch. It didn't happen.
Here are me and Christina.
And me and Samuel. That is one stinkin' cute kid. He was King Boo (from Mario Bros.) for Halloween. But he got hot in his costume. You will see him in it shortly.
Me and Benjamin. Benjamin was Toad from SMB.
Me and Desiree. Desiree was a fairie. A specific fairie. But bad Aunt Hila can't remember which one...
Me and Saria. Saria was Toadette from SMB.
And me and Emily. Who was a pixie. But she kept tearing her wings off.
And here I am with all the kiddos in their costumes. Samuel is always making hilarious facial expressions.
And this was me in the whole outfit after I got home. If you notice, I'm wearing leg warmers. These were from April. I'm glad I have friends who know my love of all things 80s. Because all the accessories were given to me by Julie and April. I even have pink slotted glasses. Which I had taken with me, and I forgot to put on for this picture. Oops!
So yeah, it was a fun evening. We enjoyed the yummy food and each other's company. And we filmed a video clip of the family saying "Have a Nice Weekend!" a la SCN from back in the day. Someone is trying to get a bunch of submissions and put them all together just like it used to be on the old Southern Command Network in Panama. And so we threw ours into the pot. The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. And, quite frankly, so did I. In case you're interested in what I'm talking about, click here. This brings back memories from many a Friday afternoon of my childhood.


Katherine Ronachert said...

in the picture of you and benjamin you look beautiful!!! (i mean you always look good, but it's really a very flattering pic!)

juliebean said...

you are always cool in your 80s get up! I love these pics. So good.