Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Taste of Things to Come

I'm officially 29. I had a great birthday yesterday, and Mary and everyone at work really did an awesome thing. I have pictures. But until I gather them all from the various people who took them with their cameras, I will wait. But just know it's coming. And just know it's hilarious :). So I will report on all my birthday stuff at a later date.

Until then, I thought I'd share a few adorable pictures from our Halloween-fest preparations. Christina and the girls came over to the house and we assembled some of our more time-consuming Halloween goodies. Here are a couple of pictures of the girls at dinner:
Christina and Desiree

And Emily eating real food off of a grown-up fork... She's getting so big!
Emily eating real food off a fork

And how happy is this kid :)?
Emily playing

We assembled our little marshmallow witches (which we didn't do last year, but Christina found the recipe and idea online this year and we thought it would be adorable):
Halloween Marshmallow Witches

We also made spider cracker things and our eerie eyballs from last year. With the extra eerie eyeball goop stuff, we put it in ice cube molds shaped like pumpkins and skulls. We shall see how they turn out tonight :). I'm excited. Our menu is largely the same as last year, but with a few additions. We didn't make the sugar cut-out cookies this year, but we added several cutesie things. So you know there will be pictures of all the food (aren't you excited to hear that, Dad :))? Just give me time to get everything together and blog -- in order of occurrence :). Until then, Happy Halloween everyone!

Oh, and p.s.... I do like Better Off Dead. Classic. And I got it from Best Buy in Dothan when it was on sale for $6.99. I figure, for some of the classic 80s movies, I might have to cough up the extra $2. They also had Sixteen Candles for that price, which I've been wanting to own for some time now on DVD. But it was all sold out :(. One of these days, though... One of these days. Anyway, the regular price for Better Off Dead at Best Buy is $9.99. That's an FYI for anyone interested in acquiring it :).


Heather said...

Happy Birthday!

the happy thomas family said...

i nominated you for a blog award - see my blog for details!

Virginia said...

Cute food and even CUTER kids! Say Anything - yet another cute romantic movie that I didn't see while I was married.

April said...

The movie quote is from one of the best 80's movie EVER - Say Anything :-)

jessica said...

Happy, Happy Birthday! I remember all of your birthday parties. I always thought it was so cool that you got Halloween decorations on your birthday too:)

"Say Anything"

Lindsey said...

Hey Hila~it has been a while. Love your blog and those are the cutest little marshmallow witches ever!! So fun.

Katherine Ronachert said...

happy birthday! did i say that? also, i finally sent out your card. yeah, i'm a loser. i think about you alot too, but it seems things are crazy!!! hopefully everything settles down after this class is over!