Sunday, September 27, 2009


I don't feel like blogging right now, other than to say a few things. I will divulge more information later...

But... This past week I:

1. chopped off 3 inches of my hair -- or rather, I had my mom do it

2. had a work conversation about animals of the serengeti

3. went to an AWESOME Enrichment meeting

4. went to a really great dinner and Relief Society broadcast

5. sung my voice (almost) out along with Mary and a few others at a dueling pianos function

6. drove to the high school where I will start volunteering tomorrow and met the librarian there

7. submitted a job application for a public library job

8. went visiting teaching

9. got and got over a minor cold

10. pondered why sometimes life is so complicated

Details to come on at least a couple of these -- with pictures guaranteed for number 5.

1 comment:

juliebean said...

I guessed dirty dancing, where are my props?