Okay, so I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since my last blog post. I mean, I can, but I can't. I'm not even sure where the time goes. But go it does. So, I am choosing to try to finish that list of things about me that I started over a year ago. Coincidentally, in the two weeks that have passed since my last blog post, my 1-year in Washington anniversary came and went. It's pretty hard to believe I've been here a year. The year feels like it has zoomed past. But anyway, to the list!
91. I need quiet and dark to sleep. There are those people who can drift off in nearly any situation and get a restful sleep. Alas, I am not one of those. I can remember a few times when I spent the night at Julie's, and the radio was on for background noise, and all I could do was lay there and stare at the ceiling, because I couldn't sleep. One specific memory comes to mind from 1999. WOOF FM was playing very quietly, and this song by Heart came on. Funny the things you remember...
92. I also need quiet to read. I am not good at blocking out noise. Even at work when I'm working on my files. I hear all the conversations going on in the background. So for pleasure reading, I have to isolate myself away from noise. Perhaps blocking out the noise is something you learn to do when you are a mother, because you are used to having lots of noise going on. All I know is that, for now, I need silence to read and actually focus on what I'm reading :).
93. The more I've gotten to know myself, I have found out interesting things. I've heard of this book called The Five Languages of Love or something like that. Anyway, it talks about how some people show love by saying nice things while others show it by doing nice things (like washing dishes), etc. I've realized that, for me, I feel appreciated most when others say nice things to me. Having someone do my dishes wouldn't make me feel as appreciated as someone saying my dinner was really good. How interesting it is that everyone's personality is so different and how important it is to know yourself and what makes you feel appreciated or loved so you can convey that to the people in your life. Hahaha.
94. My sister pops nearly every bone in her body. Ick. I can't stand it. Actually, my older brother does the same. Me -- I pop but one knuckle: my index finger on my right hand. And the funny thing about this is that if I ever hear anyone pop any of their bones, I immediately feel a need to bend that one finger to see if it needs to pop! I'm a weirdo. Anyway, so Christina and I always laugh when she pops her fingers and then a minute passes and she hears me pop my one knuckle. Hahahaha.
95. Several months ago, I referred to the way I eat pie (from the crust to the tip). I also eat sandwiches in a specific way. I eat all the way around the crust so that the middle is left at the end. This applies to regular grilled cheese sandwiches or even hamburgers from McDonalds. I'm not sure why I do this. Perhaps because I think the middle has the most "stuff" and is therefore the "best" part. But, this is what I do.
96. When I was a kid in Panama, my parents signed us up to learn archery one summer. We did this in Diablo. I could point out the place where we were and everything. It was behind the building that used to be a school where we would go to get passport pictures and that also had the coolest bathrooms that were always really really cold. Anyway, I sliced up my fingers more than once that summer, because I couldn't get the timing right on lifting my index finger before the little feathers at the end of the arrow came and sliced it open at high speed. That was painful.
97. I love crossword puzzles. I go in cycles, I guess. I will get out of the habit of doing them for a while, and I will forget how much I enjoy them. Then one day, I will start working them again, and I remember how much I like them. Currently, Bob (alligator Bob) from work and I do the puzzle pretty much daily.
98. I love a great deal. As in a bargain, not that I love a lot :). I've started scouring the grocery ads and clipping coupons. I've become accustomed to prices in Washington and to knowing what a good deal is out here. And I love doing this :). Although obviously not a necessary thing, I actually got Seasons 1 & 2 of Everybody Loves Raymond (which I love) for a total of $15.00 the other week at Target. Considering you usually pay $20 per season, I think paying $7.50 per season was a phenomenal deal. And I think I'll be watching a few episodes here shortly.
99. I love to cook. I'm looking forward to a day when I have my own place and can invite people over to entertain and to cook for them. I miss my cookbooks and recipes that are all piled in the dark recesses of the garage.
100. Sometimes I draw a blank. And so this is my number 100 :).
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
my best friends wedding
hooray and update!!!!
i do #95, too.
glad you got your twilight goodie. love you!
I'm a huge sucker for deals too! Who wants to pay $10 for something when you can get it for a dollar or two?
My Best Friend's Wedding.
#95 just says to people i am a wierdo :) but, if i didn't eat my food this way then i wouldn't be me. i am a mom and like u i too prefer quite when i read. the only time i get my reading in is during the week or any time greg is away from home and jaina is sleeping.
Dirty Dancing!...for the "baby" quote.
It's really not Dirty Dancing?!
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