Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You May Call Me Master Nilla

Would you believe that a university somewhere actually gave me a Master's degree?!?!
Me and my diploma

Hahahaha!!! (That's my evil laugh :) -- to go along with my evily-arched eyebrow).

Yeah, so I finally got my diploma!! Woohoo! I was excited. I will say this... UA really cheaped out on me. Apparently the glory of walking at graduation is to get the little folder for your diploma to look all pretty. Troy actually sent me my diploma in that little holder thing all pretty like in mail. I didn't walk with my B.S. either, but they still sent me that holder thing. I was suprised UA didn't send my diploma like that too. What cheap-os. Oh well. My mom thinks she's going to frame this for me. I didn't frame my other one. It's currently in a box in my grandparents' garage, along with all of my other stuff (including my piano). Oh, and I was so going to do pretend mug shots with this diploma. I even took the pictures. But my profile shots make me look like a hag. So, I nixed that idea. Would have been funny, though :). If I had a different face!

Those of you who have been looking at Christina's blog know that she did have her appointment yesterday and that she did find out what she's having. If you haven't checked, go check out her blog :). She and I also baked cookies, which is also mentioned on her blog. Today I watched Desiree all day. She is funny. I told her she had to take a nap, and she never much cares for that. So I don't force her to stay in her room, but if she doesn't, then the rule is she has to lay on the couch with Aunt Hila and she can't play. Today she ended up falling asleep on me. It was so sweet. I was watching some TV and noticed that she had gotten still and quiet. I knew then that she was asleep. She can be a little pill, though, when she hasn't had her nap. She had to wake up, though, since Brad called me this morning to see if I could go to his house to meet Saria getting off the school bus since they were going to go to Northern WA for the day for his job and he didn't know when they'd be back. So, Desiree and I went and met Saria getting off the bus, and then I watched them there at Brad's until they all got home. So, while the girls did their thing and played, I watched episodes from Season 2 of The Office. I stayed a while after Brad and Tarylyn and the kids got home so that Desiree could play with Samuel and Benjamin. But eventually, I had to take her home to her mommy. I do love the kids. They are all the cutest little munchkins.

Oh, here's a little video of Desiree from yesterday. I want to explain the video... One time Desiree was laughing and she snorted, so I pointed at her and said, "I heard you snort! I heard you snort!" She thought that was so funny, so she laughed even harder. Well, I, too, have a tendency to snort when I laugh sometimes, so the very next time she heard me do it, she pointed at me and told me, "I heard you snort! I heard you snort!" Only the way she does it is so cute. And then she got to where, if she snorted, she'd point to me and say, "You heard me snort! You heard me snort!" So, I was trying to get her to say it for the camera. She kind of did, but it's so much cuter the way she usually does it. But, you can watch this video and hear her cuteness and endure my horrendous (purposeful) snorting.

And in the job-search news... I got an email back from Seattle Public Library telling me that I qualify for a pre-interview. I can set up the time on any Thursday afternoon that is convenient for me. I just have to email someone and set it up. With SPL, it's a long process, apparently. What this means is that I can go in and interview for 3 different types of librarian positions. If I want to qualify to be on the list of possible Children's Librarians, then I have to have a story prepared for the interview. For YA, I have to prepare a 5 minute book talk. I can also interview for Adult Services. I can interview for all 3 on the same day and then, if I qualify for them (all or any), they put me on a list for a year as being "qualified" and then as job openings come available, they can call me in for an interview in a specific branch. Of which there are something like 28 (I think) in Seattle alone. Whew! Seattle is a huge city! Okay, I just double-checked... It's 27 branches and the bookmobile makes 28. HUGE!


Virginia said...

Congrats on being a master in the realm of books . . ..so why is there your last name hiding behind a sticky note?

the happy thomas family said...

hooray for you! glad you got your diploma... i know that's a relief to know that it didn't get lost in the mail. hope your pre-interview, etc. goes splendidly!

Mrs. S said...

Congratulations! What a huge achievement. You should be really proud of yourself. I hope to eventually get my masters and maybe beyond that!

April Lauren said...

Three things Master Hila!

Firstly... Hila you have a lovely face! And I am positive your shots did not make you look like a hag silly.

Second, YaHOOOOOOO.. That is so exciting to officially have your paper certificate!

Third, Seattle is so awesome!

Katherine Ronachert said...

master hila...
can i shorten that to mahi? how are you liking the office?
congrats on the master thing! should i tell you that i actually made that diploma... naw, i'll let you think it's official.
i'm delaying the inevitable. i have a quiz and reading to take. all before the all important season premier of the office.
oh, in my ever-so-rude-fashion, i left a comment for you on mrs. s's stupendous and saucy blog (fancy alliterration) ok, i'm exhausted. i will end the novel, but not before sending a shout out to juliebean.

jessica said...

Congrats, I know, super late!! The whole fun in the Masters is getting to wear the hood. Either way, props to you!!