I must be going through a blogging phase. And a picture-taking phase. It's funny how I do that.
This past weekend was Conference weekend. So we hung out at home and {attempted} to get a lot out of it. I say attempted, because of the two littles who run around making noise and such. It's a good thing the talks are also available online and in the November Ensign! I'll need to read a bunch of them ;). I did get a lot out of the parts I heard, though. Specifically finding joy. And also about parenting. Really good stuff.
On Saturday, Lynnaea and I took a picture with this doll. My mom made it for me when I was a little girl. And now Lynnaea plays with it. One day, if she treats it kindly, Lynnaea can have it to give to her little girl -- if she has one. It's kind of a special thing. I'm glad I held on to some of the things I held on to. Sometimes I could border on pack-rat... But sometimes it's worth it ;).
Lynnaea actually paid attention to some of Conference this time. Which was cool. She would ask who each speaker was, and she recognized the Prophet, Pres. Thomas S. Monson. She brought out her rocking chair to sit in and watch, since we were watching on the tablet in the living room. Corbin wanted to sit in a rocking chair too, so we pulled the glider chair over. I laughed when I saw this and said they must be preparing for old age ;). Haha.
We hung up the leaf wreath! It actually looks really cool! After a couple days, the leaves started to curl up. You can really tell in the picture, but it really gives it a neat effect!
Jeremy was off work today, because they have started outage and he is scheduled tomorrow through Saturday. Let the fun begin, right? Blah. It was nice to have him home for a 3 day weekend, though. He kept the kids buy while I worked on my never-ending to-do list. I was able to go by the frame shop and start the process of getting some of our pictures framed (one is a painting by Jeremy's grandmother). I returned some too-small "lazy Susan's" to Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and then picked up a few things at Target. All without the kiddos, which means it went tons faster! And, I got to sport my sunglasses, because guess what!?!? I have my trial contacts -- and they are working!!! Today was the first day in about 3 months that I have worn my contacts all day long with no awful results! No sensitivity, no huge red spot on the whites of my eyes! It's amazing! So maybe I developed a silicone sensitivity. I hate, in no uncertain terms, that I will be throwing away 6 pairs of otherwise perfectly fine contact lenses. But life is life... Next time I won't order a 2 year supply. Ugh. So anyway, this is what I did at a red-light, just for fun :).
Later in the evening, as I prepped dinner and continued my big list, Jeremy spent lots of time with the kids outside. It's been a beautiful few days here in Alabama! And since he knows he won't have much family time for the next 3 to 4 weeks, with outage, he took the time today to hang with the babies. They loved it. Including the porcelain doll Lynnaea has decided she is in love with and plays with like a real baby... I had to glue it's face and hair and eyelashes (courtesy of Corbin) back on over the weekend. The face and hair had come off years ago and we just never fixed it... We were going to throw it away, but then Lynnaea saw it and decided she loved it. And thus we bought super-glue, and I fixed it. We keep expecting it to break again, with the way Lynnaea takes it outside and it falls on the patio pavers and such. So far, it's been a hearty little thing. Go figure. Anyway, so Jeremy hung out with "glass doll" (as Lynnaea calls her) too. Hahaha.
And finally, here are me and my boy. Yawning. I guess all that outside time wore him out!
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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