Dear Corbin,
When I really stop to realize it, 8 months is so big! You are on your way to being a whole year old. Can it really be so?!? In so many ways it seems like only yesterday I was in the delivery room sure that you were never coming out. Time is funny that way.
You have been a busy little bee this past month, Mr. Corbin-roo! You are super-fast with the whole crawling thing (and sometimes you crack me up with the way you drop your head down and crawl as fast as you can). There is nowhere you don't go in our home. And now you are pulling up on stuff and walking while holding on. You are even walking with stuff that moves (like empty cardboard boxes, which you much prefer to the walker we have that is actually designed for such things... go figure!). You think you are quite the stuff with all your new abilities! Often, while pushing your box and walking with it, you go cackling across the room. I can think of no better way to describe the sound you make.
Of course, with your new-found abilities, you've also started to learn that you get more bumps. Just today you managed to pull a chair over on yourself at church and your sister's toy kitchen as well. You're never a happy camper when that happens. But I guess this is how we learn about life. It's not all roses. You're also learning about time out, speaking of "not all roses." You are not allowed to touch the garbage can or any electrical cords or outlets. Doing so earns you a stern "no, no!" and a trip to your crib for a couple minutes. You generally hate the time out part. And then, when it's over, we take you back to whatever no-no you did and show it to you and again say "no, no!" You know what you do? You smile really big. Yeah. I'm pretty sure you know... You make the same face when we tell you no-no about pulling your sister's hair too. You stinker. You're a smart boy, Corbin. We know you'll catch on. Lynnaea did, and we went through the same process with her.
You love being involved in anything your sister is doing. It drives her crazy. It's like you know, too. We will be building with her big mega-blocks, and we give some to you... But you know whatever we're building is way more interesting, so you try to push in. Oh how hard it is for her to understand that you are a baby, and you're more adept at destroying the buildings than building them ;). Sometimes I call you Godzilla Baby.
Aside from the actual strapping you into your car seat, you do great in the car now. I'm so very grateful for that, because those screaming days were awful.
You're also doing so well at sleeping at night. Every once in a while you cry and I come get you. Usually this is because you've rolled onto your back and you are too close to the edge of the crib to roll over the only direction you know how. So I roll you back on your tummy, and you go back to sleep. But overall, you sleep great. It's a beautiful thing!
One of your favorite things to do is put stuff all the way in your mouth. Naturally, we are vigilant in keeping items out of your reach that are actually small enough to swallow. But your sister's giant fake money and the pieces to her pretend birthday cake are favorites for you to cram all the way in. You have it down to an art, and I have to say it's really cute. One day I took you to the car and was buckling you in and I looked up at you and noticed one of the cake pieces on your chest. At first I thought, "Where did that come from!?!" Then I realized you must have had it in your mouth all the way out of the house and down the stairs and into the car. You silly boy.
You have two teeth, and you would much rather feed yourself than be fed. Alas, you must still get fed by mommy most things. You love cheerios and, most recently, crackers. Ritz crackers make you really, really happy. When you are eating things like that, you also start "talking". You say "yayaya." It's the beginning of language development, little man. One day will come when it will almost seem like you never were in these early stages. I know that, because that's how it is with Lynnaea now. So I'm enjoying hearing your little baby babbles :).
And oh but you're my little mama's boy! And you are a little dramatic. Sometimes you lay flat on your stomach on the floor and put your face on your hands and cry. This is usually when someone has taken something away from you that you cannot have (like paper and markers and crayons) or when you're really tired, and I walk by you without picking you up (even if you had been happy up until the point I walked by you).
But oh how I love you, my little Roo. I love watching you grow and develop. I love hearing you laugh. I love seeing your dimpled smile. I love that you are a snuggly baby. I love being your mama. Some days are hard. That's just life. But I wouldn't trade them for anything. I love you baby boy. Always. Happy 8 Months!
Love Always,
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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