As another segment in the "unity" goal, our Family Night last night was all about Sharing. Which was the thing Lynnaea said she could do (with our suggestive help ;)) to help us have more unity in our family. (She has had a hard time sharing with Corbin, now that he is mobile and interested in all of her stuff...).
Opening Song: Children's Song Book: 'Give' Said the Little Stream
Scripture: Mosiah 18:21: And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another. {emphasis mine}
Lesson: We talked about how Jesus taught us that we should be nice to everyone. And one way we can be nice to people -- especially people in our family -- is by sharing! Then we watched this video for Rainbow Fish (because the library was closed for MLK, Jr. Day and I therefore couldn't go check it out at the last minute (I found this idea on Sunday...).
Activity: This idea came from this blog. I traced the fish (using my tablet, which was awesome!) and then we glued on different colored scales. 4 of those scales were a shiny silver cellophane wrap -- one for each member of our family. Then we each said something we could share. (Well, I spoke for Corbin who will share his wooden blocks with Lynnaea.) I said I could share more of my time with my family members (because it's sometimes hard for me to remember that my time is best spent with my family and not on my own selfish pursuits). Jeremy said he could share his Wii (which he does already, but it was an example for Lynnaea that she could understand, because she sure does love playing Wii Fit Plus with her daddy!). Lynnaea decided she could share her lego blocks and also her talking cube. Then Lynnaea and Jeremy finished coloring Rainbow Fish while I went and got Corbin from his nap.
Treat: I made tapioca pudding, because Jeremy loves it, and I thought we could use it as one more example of sharing. When it was time for treat, I announced that, because it was one of daddy's favorite things, it was all for him! I put the whole bowl in front of him and he pretended to start eating it. Lynnaea was very interested in treat time and sat watching closely as Jeremy pretended to eat the pudding. Finally, I said, "Lynnaea, do you think if we ask Daddy to share his yummy pudding, he would share with us?" She said she thought so, she I told her to ask him if he would share with her. Of course he said yes. Then I asked if he would share his yummy dessert with me too. He said yes and scooped some into our bowls. And we talked, again, about sharing like the Rainbow Fish and how that can make us all happier.
We decided to tape up our Rainbow Fish to help us remember what we said we could share.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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