Well, Sweet Corbin...
You've had quite a month! And you're on the go! You started crawling before 2016, and now you're all over it! You also know how to go from a crawling to a sitting position. But for some reason, you've forgotten how to roll from back to front. Haha. Which makes you mad as can be. Don't worry, you'll figure it out.
You got to enjoy some of life's less-fun adventures in December: you had a mild stomach bug. Well, I assume you had it too; though you only threw up once. I think you had it very, very mildly. However, we were being extra-cautious, so you got to enjoy a day of just apple juice and pedialyte. We kind of didn't want to encourage the same stuff your sister had been going through by feeding you anything more than that! You totally didn't mind. You were into the apple juice.
You continue to enjoy your baths, especially all the tub toys. You visited the Naval Undersea Museum. And you celebrated your first Christmas and New Year's. You enjoyed Christmas, but mostly because of all the family you got to see. You love being around people.
You enjoy squash, multi-grain cereal, rice cereal, bananas, apple sauce, green beans, peas, cheerios, sweet potato puffs, and teether cookies. You eat your bananas by yourself and have gotten pretty good at it (even if you do still make a mess!). You're also very skilled at picking up the puffs and cheerios. The first day you tried was pretty fun to watch, but you figured it out really quickly! You've finished nursing. One night, in the middle of the night, you just refused, and that was the end of that. We had stopped nursing as much anyway, and it was mostly a night comfort thing. But even that is gone now. And though a part of me is sad about that, it's also okay. You're ready to move on, and since it was never sustaining your life anyway, you are just moving on now instead of later.
You are now a really good car rider. You still prefer not to travel at night, but you have improved so much since when you were little that I can't really complain.
You are a sweet boy, Corbin-roo. You still adore your big sister (though she's having a hard time with the sharing bit and accepting that you will sometimes do frustrating things like knock over her block towers). But this is sibling-hood. There will be ups and downs. But you will be the best of friends. She loves you too. Every time you wake up after a nap or first thing in the morning, she is quick to smile and call your time and be excited that you're awake. And she tells you she loves you every night before bed. And she does. When she isn't frustrated or jealous, she is very nurturing toward you. And those are my favorite moments.
You are also improving with night sleeping. A couple nights ago, you even did a 10 hour stretch! Mommy was so excited (and would only have been more excited if I wasn't crazy enough to not fall back asleep when I did wake up :/...). I know these things are bittersweet. You are accomplishing these things, because you are growing up. 7 months old. You're now closer to 1 than newborn. There have been hard days and tired days. But I've tried to enjoy all of it. Because these moments will be gone soon. Your pudgy little baby hand will one day stop grabbing at my mouth and face while you eat your bottle. (You can hold your own bottle, but many times I still prefer to hold you while you eat, especially at night, because I know there will soon be a day when it's no longer an option.)
I love you little Roo. You're my sweet, precious boy. I'm grateful you've come to our little family. Grateful you've come to me to be your mommy here. I've thought recently about how I worried about being able to love a second baby as much as I love my first baby. But what I've heard is true: love grows. I love you with all my heart and I love her the same. And there's enough room and enough love to say that. Thank you for being my sweet boy. Thank you for sharing your sweet, happy, dimpled smile that makes me smile. You are a joy.
Love always,
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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