One of our family goals for 2016 is to have Family Night most (but preferably all) weeks of 2016. For us, sometimes Family Night will be during the day, due to Jeremy's schedule. But it doesn't really matter when we hold it. The point is that we do.
There are great blessings promised to those who hold Family Night. I believe in those promises, and I want them for my family. So we are going to work on doing this.
I asked Jeremy one thing he wanted our family to be stronger in. His reply was unity. So for January, unity is our focus.
Family Night 1/4/2016:
Opening Song: Love at Home
Scripture: Mosiah 18:21: And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another. {emphasis mine}
Lesson: Focusing on what it means to knit (show examples of knitting and practice playing with the knitting needles and yarn -- since Lynnaea isn't quite able to knit ;)). Show a beautiful finished knitted blanket to show how beautiful things turn out when knitted together. Apply to knitting our hearts together as a family by each saying something we can do to help our family's hearts to be more knit together. Our things were: not taking toys away from Corbin, working on being less grumpy when life is hard, and being more patient and enjoying the present more.
Treat: heart-shaped Frozen jello (chilled berry flavor :)). Here's a picture of those :). (Mostly we used the small double heart cookie cutter, because the big heart was rather big...)
And, thanks to his young age and his ever-helpful sister, Corbin's main job for Family Night was modeling the beautiful pink knitted hat.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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