My Dear Sweet Corbin,
You are three months old! Plus a day. Because one thing Mommy has learned about being a mommy of two is that we are late for everything! But I've learned to accept that.
Oh my Corbin! You are growing! You are our sweet little chunky monkey! You have nice little chubby thighs and more than your share of chins :). But we love it! We firmly believe chubby babies are healthy babies! You'll need all that stored energy for later when you start moving and grooving! And trying to keep up with your sister! You've been in 3 to 6 month clothes since about 2 months... So there's definitely nothing small about you!
You still have blue eyes. I think you'll keep them. You also have red tints in your hair. So cute! Lots of people comment about it. You get those two things from your daddy, by the way. You're also our sensitive little guy. You startle easily and you do not like loud noises. I'm pretty sure you're going to be my clingy baby, and I'm actually looking forward to it a bit (your sister tends to wander away from me, because she is an adventurer... so it'll be nice to know you'll stick with Mommy :)). You love to be held, but you're getting better about being put down on the play mat and looking at the birdie and other colorful things.
You've pretty well managed to get onto a 3-hour routine in the daytime. You wake up and eat, then you "play" and then you nap. Then we repeat :). At night, you sleep a minimum of 4 hours for the first stretch, but the last two nights you've done 6! And I'm good with that :). It means Mommy gets more sleep too :). We're hoping you'll sleep even longer before too long, but we're trying to just go with the flow and let you learn at your own pace. And even though you aren't yet sleeping through the night, one thing that has always been true about you is that you understand night-time is for sleeping. You wake up to eat and go right back down. Mommy doesn't have to wait for you to be in a deep sleep before she can lay you down. And even for nap-time, you just have to close your eyes while on my shoulder and then I can put you down for your nap. That's all it takes. You are amazing!
You are such a sweet boy, Corbin. You have the sweetest and most adorable dimpled smile (which you will see below). You love love love attention and will smile hugely at anyone who talks to you (especially when you're in a good mood and not tired). You're starting to laugh now, and it's awesome! You also coo a lot and you get super excited sometimes about things. You are a strong baby boy, Corbin. I'm fully expecting you to roll over sooner than later. You already know how to scoot yourself, whether you're on your tummy or on your back! You love to be held in a standing position, and I think you know that there are things you'll be able to do one day and you want to do them now! You'll get there.
You're also very alert! Several people have commented on that fact. And I watch you look at me -- and I know you know I'm you're Mommy. You stare at me so intently sometimes and watch all my movements when I'm not holding you. It's pretty amazing to watch you observe me -- and the world around you. I can already see that you are a smart little boy.
Corbin, I love you. I love you so very much. Something I've learned from mommy-hood is that I lack the words to express the love I feel for you both you and your sister. But it is there. And I hope that you always know it. That you always feel it. You are my precious boy. And I'm so grateful that you are. You are teaching me, just like your big sister did. You are helping me be better, just as she is. I hope I can be the mommy you both deserve. Happy 3 months, my little guy. Here's to a month of new milestones and adventures!
Love these pictures of him!!!
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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