So you may have noticed I never got around to posting that 31 week picture as I said I would. Life. It happens.
So there is today's 32 week picture. That way I can say I managed ;). That's my Lynnaea in the foreground, chasing her bubbles. She loves bubbles.
Anyway, it's been quite a week. Last Thursday I started to feel particularly overwhelmed and exhausted. Like brought-me-to-tears-at-the-end-of-the-day emotionally exhausted and physically exhausted. It was like I couldn't go an hour without needing to sit down and rest. Which made me feel like an awesome mommy, let me tell you. I think the TV was on a lot that day... The plus side is that my little sweet girl has started to snuggle with me more, so I enjoyed her snuggles a lot. But at the end of the day, when I felt like I hadn't accomplished nearly enough, I just felt like failure. With a capital F.
Friday wasn't much better. I managed to go to the grocery store and take Lynnaea to the park. But again, I was beat. I slept multiple times (while my toddler watched TV nearby) and suddenly realized that maybe, just maybe, I'd caught whatever bug has been going around. Because it had me whooped.
Saturday things seemed improved. And Jeremy was home, so that was helpful. He's been working A LOT lately. His most recent check had 27 hours of overtime, if that tells you anything. And don't give me the whole "but look at the money he's earning!" thing. Yes, the financial benefits are great and all, but there is a limit to what money can buy. I'm grateful for our financial security, I truly am. But these days, I could use my husband home more as I get larger and larger. And especially on days when I'm sick.
But I digress. So Saturday was looking up. We even went out to eat as a family, because I was still really tired and slept a lot again (Jeremy gave me lots of time to nap, since he knew I was so tired). Well, by about 9 Saturday night, I realized dinner may have been a mistake. It felt like a lead brick in my stomach and I went to bed hoping I wouldn't throw up. Fun. I didn't, by the way. But all through the night my stomach didn't feel normal.
Today finally confirmed to me that I must have had some weird bug that was wiping me out. Because I woke up this morning and felt like a new woman. It was a beautiful thing. Funny what we take for granted. For a while there I was worried it was just that I was an old fat pregnant lady and this was going to be my lot in life for the next 8 weeks. I'm thankful to say it seems that is not the case. Today I was able to keep going and have a busy day and not even take a single nap. Not that I'd have minded a nap. But there simply wasn't time.
Because we had toddler story time this morning. Then home for lunch. Then nap for Lynnaea, during which time I tried to get a few things knocked out on the computer. Jeremy came home early from work around 1 so that he could go with me and Lynnaea to my Stork Express visit (pre-registration for the hospital and having a baby in June!) and then we went to Costco. Where I wore a poor choice in shoes (flip flops) given the way the weather turned out (rainy rainy rainy) and the way the water slickens up the paint on the asphalt in front of Costco (yes, I made up that word, but I like it). My flip flops have no grip. And I slipped. Fortunately I caught myself, but I have a lovely bruise on my right shin now. Just call me Grace. Jeremy had previously left the store with Lynnaea and was waiting in the van, due to her decision to have a meltdown over not getting to sit in the back of the cart... Ah, parenthood.
So yeah, it's been quite the week. And I'm tired. Baby is moving around a lot still. We will find out next Tuesday if things are well placenta-wise. It was a bit low (close to the cervix) at my last ultrasound, so they are doing another to see if it migrated. If not, we may be looking at a scheduled c-section.
And to end on a high note -- and the cutest note ever... Here are some pictures of my Lynnaea girl from the last week.
I love this cheesy girl. She is so happy. She carries around her stuffed toys (she especially loves bunnies) and is so loving with them. She gives them lots of kisses, puts them to sleep, etc. She is also starting to want to choose what she wears. It doesn't always match -- or look particularly great together (take the outfit in the picture above...). But it's a choice she can make and it's a harmless one. Who cares if her outfit clashes? She is learning to choose, and this is a way I can help her be able to. And she's happy.
One benefit of letting her choose her outfits, too, is that she is more cooperative about getting dressed. You can't tell in this picture, but she was running around in just a diaper. Which wouldn't matter so much if it wasn't still a little on the chilly side here -- and if I could trust her not to disappear and take off her diaper... It's a new thing, this desire to run around half-dressed. She cracks me up. She is really developing more and more of her personality every day and she wants to express herself more and more -- and have her way more and more. She's becoming her own little self. It's amazing to watch her grow and develop. I cannot believe she is almost 2.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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