Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why It Seems I (Almost) Never Blog...

I will explain in pictures. 

This is what I've been up to lately (in addition to laundry, dusting, dishes, etc).

 Making 2 I Spy quilts...  (I've almost completed phase 2 for the 2nd quilt!  March should be about beginning to make rows!)
Cross-stitching Christmas ornaments for the kiddos.
Crossing off the things on my February Goals list that I wrote on the white board...
Slowly, but steadily, making my way through 986 pages of this book (it's getting better and more tolerable, thank goodness!  I'm almost 300 pages in!  Woohoo!)  This does, however mean I won't be crossing off at least one of the goals for February, which was to finish one book for pleasure.  Because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be whipping through the next 600+ pages before the end of the month.
Trying to work my way through trying at least one of these recipes a week:
 And my favorite reason for being a blog-slacker (as opposed to a blog-stalker):

Keeping up with my sweetness.  This beautiful baby is everywhere these days!  Pulling up on everything.  And so very proud of herself! (And into everything too, by the way ;).)
This is how I find her after a nap.  Love this baby!!!
And this is my favorite part of the day:  snuggles at bedtime.  It's the only time she snuggles me anymore.  And I cherish it.
I get very few picture of her sleeping anymore...  So the other night when she was tuckered out, I snapped a couple :).

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