Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Emily Turns 5.

Well, I finally ordered our Christmas cards.  Hopefully they make it on time.  I am such a slacker.

In other news:  I still haven't figured out how to invent more time ;).

And here's a great news flash!!!  *Lynnaea is over her cold*!!!  Happy dance Happy dance!  We won't mention that both Jeremy and I have sore throats today... :/.

But, we have our Christmas tree (though I still need to buy at least one more strand of lights -- this one is much bigger than the ones we've had the last two years).  We got it from my in-laws' property again -- and it didn't look so big when it was out there!  I've lit and decorated the bottom half of the tree already.  I was just way too excited not to.  

And!  Drum roll please!  After a couple months of deciding she didn't care anything about rolling over, Lynnaea started doing so (from back to tummy) in her sleep in her crib.  And then, last Saturday, she figured out how to do it on purpose, completely conscious.  And scooting herself backwards.  Watch out world!  Here she comes!

And I've been slowly -- but surely -- chipping away at all the Christmas baking.  I got an early start and it still feels like I'm behind.  Maybe this is mommyhood?  And I should just get used to it?  Anyone?  Anyone? 

Anyway, to the point of my post.  Emily turned 5 today.  I took Saria, Samuel, and Benjamin to the little party.  Plus she had a little neighbor friend there.  It was nice to celebrate this sweet little girl.  I can't believe she's 5.  Wasn't it just yesterday I was holding her in the hospital?  Yeesh.

(I guess not, since it wasn't even just yesterday that I was holding Lynnaea in the hospital...).

So here are a few pictures.  Life is good.

We went to a Nativity exhibit our Stake put on.  It was lovely.  500+ nativities from around the world.  Kind of cool to see the variety and the different cultures depicted.  And Lynnaea wouldn't be Lynnaea without a little spit-up on her dress.  Haha... 

She likes to help with the laundry.  And static cling is great stuff for her hair.  Haha.  I love this kid.

Our tree...  In its half-decorated state.  (It's a little more decorated today -- and the lights are slightly better placed.

Sweet Emily -- in a dress that was Desiree's not that long ago...  Sigh. 

All the kids.  The one in the front was Emily's little friend. 

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