Dear Lynnaea,
Well, I think I should start this letter by telling you you've had an uncharacteristically grumpy day! That's so, when you read this in ten or fifteen years, you can laugh ;). I am serious about this being unlike you. You are our happy little girl. You smile a lot. You still smile the most at Daddy, even when he's just saying random stuff that doesn't even make sense to you (like about molecules). I think it's all his hand gesturing that makes you smile ;). I don't know. What I do know is that you love watching him. Maybe it's because you see Daddy less than you see Mommy, so he's way more interesting.
Anyway, you are continuing to grow and progress and develop. You grab your toys like a champ -- and stick them right in your mouth! Everything goes to your mouth these days. You've managed to roll from your back to your side, and Daddy helps you roll all the way over both ways. You want so badly to be able to do more than you can. You want to sit up so desperately, but you just don't have the balance and abdominal muscle know-how yet. But you're getting there! You are a social little bug! You love people. You love when people talk to you and, though you can tolerate entertaining yourself for a bit, you definitely prefer when Mommy and Daddy are surrounding you and playing. Daddy jokes that he has to start getting ready for work with about 10 extra minutes to spare, because he knows he is going to stop getting ready and spend a few minutes here and there playing with you -- just because you're so cute! Yep, you're our little magnet with all your smiles and charms. You are the smiliest baby when you first wake up too! You are just so excited about your new adventures and you give us a big grin and start wiggling like crazy!
And oh your laugh! You're still not doing it a lot, but definitely a lot more! Yesterday I discovered that if I tickle your face with my hair, you think that's funny and you laugh. It's a wonderful sound, sweet baby girl. You still love your baths, but you don't necessarily like the vacuum cleaner sound. Unless Mommy is holding you and vacuuming one-handed. Not an easy feat!
Daddy and I may be biased, but we think you're so smart. You look at everything with such interest. And Mommy has had many people tell her you are so alert and aware.
Lynnaea, you continue to amaze me every day. I feel blessed to have you as my little girl. And I feel blessed that I am able to stay home with you. I am very thankful that Daddy feels that is important, just like I do. Thank you for being my sweet munchkin, baby girl. I love you always.
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago