Monday was mostly a typical day. Back to work. One of my co-workers was out for the week, so that meant I was doing two jobs. Makes for a busier day, so that is always good :). I am settling into the job and feeling more comfortable with things, so that is good.
Tuesday was a good day. Mostly for the part that came after work :). It was a chance to see Jeremy for a small hour during the week. I'm such a goober. But in a good way :). What can I say?
Wednesday I had to sit in a meeting all morning with the commissioners and then I had to type up the minutes from that meeting later in the week. There's some good times. I walked with a friend from church (Andrea). It was sort of a last minute thing, but since I had a pretty "low-key" week (at least as far as a typical week in the Nilla Life goes), I was pretty much open and available to walk. It's always fun to chat with a friend while getting some ejercisio. I'm working on my Spanish. One word at a time. Haha.
Thursday was quiet again. Casual jeans day at work, always a bonus. I'm sure there were probably some adventures or something at work. Obviously not of enough importance to have stuck with me. I think I average about one random citizen phone call a day. I thought I'd heard it all, after working in a couple different public libraries. Turns out, I was wrong... I had an early night on Thursday. Seriously early. Lights out by 9:45. Such a rarity for me.
And the result of that was not really sleeping in on my only day to sleep in. Oh sweet irony. I did give it my best effort, though, and pretty much stayed in bed until around 8:00. Then I got up and got moving. I had pop rocks to glue, Sharing Time to plan, errands to run. And the list goes on. I did not work at the funeral home, though I did go by there. In my bright yellow shirt. You know... The one from my fashion faux pas? Yep. I'm sure I blended right in :). We didn't have Primary Presidency meeting Friday, because Christina (not my sister) was out of town. I also watered my plants once I got back home and then eventually got a shower and got ready to head to T-town (in Washington State, that is Tacoma, not Tuscaloosa) with Lea and Chuck. You see... Back before I quit the library, there was a pretty decent deal where we could pay $9.95 to buy a ticket to a Tacoma Rainiers baseball game. This is minor league, in case you were curious. I don't tend to be an avid sports-watcher (and that may be a slight understatement), so this is somewhat shocking for a Nilla such as myself. But a good deal is a good deal, and lately I've started to appreciate the opportunity to enjoy an experience of something, even if it's not something I would ever make a priority. So for $9.95, I figured this was a pretty awesome deal. Plus Lea and Chuck were going, so I knew it'd be fun regardless of how the actual game was. So I bought a ticket right before I quit, and they mailed it to me in the mail about a month or so later. Oh yeah, and this is the reason for my song title post.
So I got to Lea's and after a few minutes of gabbing about coupons inside, we piled into her car and headed to Tacoma. Woohoo! We caught up on the previous week's goings-on and when we got to the parking area at the stadium (where the security people were directing us to go, mind you), we got told rather rudely that "the lot is full." And that became our quote for the majority of the night. We finally got parked, and really our parking space wasn't so bad, if you ask me. We headed into the game and tried to take a picture with the mascot (which we spent the majority of the evening was believing a moose, but it turned out to be a reindeer (and I did think it was the weirdest looking moose I'd ever seen, but it did have antlers, and I figured Chuck knew what he was talking about)), but the reindeer had to leave to go elsewhere. We felt a little jipped. Until we saw the big red key mascot walking around. For a bank that was sponsoring the team, I suppose. Well, it's all about the experience. And so we got a picture with the key.
Because on Saturday morning, I work up at 5:45 (gross) to head with my mom to the Temple (so worth it). We took the ferry. I tried to sleep on the ferry. My mom, however, has a habit of falling asleep within 2 minutes and snoring in the next minute. No sleep for me. It was a nice morning (rainy, though), and it was nice to go with my mom to the Temple. We headed home around 10 and stopped to get gas on the way. My mom and I have a good time yakking and talking. It's fun to laugh with her. I changed clothes and got a few things packed to take with me when Jeremy got there. He got there about a quarter to noon and then we went and ate at this local cafe for which I had a gift card (thank you Melanie...). It was a neat. Different. A lot of food. And had we wanted to, we could have eaten with "friends." Haha... We were okay to wait or eat outside. I don't necessarily mind meeting new people, but sitting down halfway through someone else's lunch at their table: slightly awkward. But the food was good, and the ambiance was pretty interesting. And then we went to a new park to walk around and spend some time until it was time to watch Jeremy's co-worker's cat. The cat is in need of some TLC lately, so we got to cat-sit for a few hours. Which gave us an opportunity to study scriptures and for me to whip Jeremy at Chinese Checkers (okay, so I only won by one move... and I went first). I usually win without strategy. Which is more hilarious when my opponent has worked on strategy. Hilarious or ironic. Depending on how you want to look at it ;). (Or both). When the cat owners got home, we ended up playing Cranium. I'd never played that game before. I don't do so well at the creativity box (like trying to draw a flying buttress -- what is that anyway!?!) But I can spell subpoena sin problema. I also didn't know what faux pas Dan Quayle had committed on Murphy Brown back in 1992 (though I did know he had committed one). And look at that! I've used faux pas in this blog post twice (three if you count that one ;)). So Jeremy and I started out pretty slow. But it doesn't take much for the tides to turn -- especially if you know the theme song to Gilligan's Island (but not if you mistake an impersonation of Queen Elizabeth to be an impersonation of R2D2 -- that was me, by the way ;)). Anyway, we lost at that one, but only by one move. And it was fun. Which is the most important part, at least to me :). So I got home around 11:30 and took a shower and crashed.
This morning I got up earlier than usual, because I thought I had to set up the chairs for Primary (someone had been nice enough to do this already, though) and then have choir practice. The choir sang. So did the Primary (for Father's Day), and that was fun. Then it was off to Primary, which was pretty intense today. We had a lot of people out of town, so I ended up plunking out melody notes (and more when possible) on the piano for singing time and then taught Sharing Time. Plus we helped the kids with their "My Pop Rocks!" cards, and had to monitor all the classes to make sure all was well. But it turned out just fine. I got home and found that my mom had bought some Nalley pickles yesterday. Oh my gosh. My new favorite pickles. I had told her about them on the way home from the Temple, so she found them on sale at Safeway and decided to get some. I have an obsession with pickles lately. Except the one that came with lunch at the Cafe yesterday. That was not a good pickle. In my opinion. Anyway, so I ate a pickle or two. I like the baby or petite dills. Not that you care :). I baked a cake for tomorrow night's Monday Meals (we are resuming after our 4 week hiatus) plus put together the breakfast casserole I'm taking for work brunch tomorrow (will have to cook for an hour in the morning, which means an early early morning for me. Boo). It was a good day, all in all. But I am bushed. And so I am turning in early tonight :).
1 comment:
first of all ... i hit the 'red dye' part and thought to myself, "she must be talking about alabama."
but can i say that i laughed so terribly much while reading this post ... which i needed? the faux pas, the hot dogs, the all of it?
and don't feel 'bad' about your goober-ness. i'm reminded, again and again, about the early days of my relationship with brian. all those 'stolen moments'. moving heaven and earth to make those 15 minutes happen. perhaps that makes me just as much of a goober? if so ... it's nice to know i'm in such good company. :)
love you!
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