Saturday, August 22, 2009

It Was a Quack-Up

Yes, yes, I have not blogged in a while. But I have spent the last week blissfully house-sitting and cat-sitting for someone at church. To say it has been awesome would be an understatement. I love the constant me-space. It's moments like those when I think I should just become the weird old cat lady who lives in the corner house all by herself ;). Hahahaha... Not really. But sometimes...

Anyway, so I have a few grand things to report. Some are hilarious and fall under the category of: "How the heck does this stuff happen to me?" So why not start with the other stuff and leave that one for last :).

So, before I went to Julie's in May -- knowing we were going to do an 80s party -- I attempted to find some Booberry cereal. All of you children of the 80s will probably recognize this cereal and appreciate the greatness of it. Now, I had no real reason to think I'd be successful in my endeavors, except that my brother Brad had told me a few months prior that he and Tarylyn had found a box at Grocey Outlet for like 99 cents. I was stoked. I went to Grocery Outlet. I went to Wal-Mart. I went down the cereal aisles of every grocery store in my vicinity. Nothing. I was bummed. But life went on. Then, when we had our 80s party at work, I did the same thing. I even drove about 30 minutes to the nearest Super Wal-Mart (because, tragically, the Wal-Mart here isn't a Super one), to check out their cereals. Because I'd read on some 80s food site online that Wal-mart has them. No luck. Yeah, I was bummed. But the 80s party was a hit anyway, and the lack of Booberry treats (like rice krispie treats, only with booberry -- it's something I want to try), was not the end of the fun. So imagine my surprise when I get a text message from John the other day, this is what is included, with a note that said, "Want it or not?"
80s cereal
Um, and I sent back a resounding YES!!! So he got me 2 boxes of each kind. And it's grand, because it only cost $1.65 a box, and, more importantly, because we're going to have a decades party at work soon, so this will work out well :). I'm thinking fondue (a la 70s) and booberry and frankenberry treats (a la 80s). And we'll hash out the rest of it later :)!!!

Also related to our upcoming decades party... Mary and I hung out last Friday after work. We had eaten a late (and large) lunch -- though I can't even remember what it was, so we weren't feeling particularly hungry. So, we shot on down to one of my favorite haunts here -- a thrift store. That place is awesome. Well, they had their Halloween costumes out. So, though I didn't go with intentions of getting anything other than a purse (since my strap had broken that day), I ended up walking out of there with a very, very bright 60s-ish outfit. Pictures will be forthcoming, after the party. Which we hope to pull off here in the next 2 to 3 weeks.

Okay, so here's the great story. And the reason for my title. So, Tuesday last week, my boss had paid for 2 lunches at the local Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Due to various circumstances, I ended up being the person who went with him. How does the file lady end up going to something like this? I am not entirely sure. I'm pretty low on the totem-pole as far as being in the public eye in my opinion. But anyway, I was looking pretty craptastic that day, so I made him swing by the house so I could pick up my make-up. And I'm oh-so-glad I did. So, on the way there, I was attempting to appear presentable. We go to the place -- a bar no less -- and went inside. Well, they had a basket for business cards, and my boss thought he'd forgotten his, but went to see if he had any in his car. Lucky for him, he did (not so sure this was lucky for me, though... you be the judge). So he put one in, and then asked me if I'd like to use one of his cards to put in the basket with my name on it. I'm figuring this is going to be something from which the funeral home can benefit. So, I take one of his cards, cross out his name, and write in mine; drop it in the basket, and forget about it. And then we eat. I had a very fatty pulled-pork sandwich (ewwww. I don't like fat on my meat, so I didn't eat most of it). And we listened to the people talking about the city and money and such. And by the end, they started doing door-prize drawings. Which turns out, that's where the business cards in the basket come in. So they had some cool stuff to give away. Things like a beach umbrella or a kiddie backpack filled with macaroni and cheese (and anyone who knows me knows I love some mac and cheese). They even had a meal for 4 up to $60 value prepared by a private chef. So, yeah, they are giving away some pretty nifty stuff. So then they have a duck to give away. An Aflac duck, to be more precise. And the comment gets made that whoever wins that prize, they know what they have to do. And then the lady with the microphone says, "I'm not sure how to pronounce this... Is it Hila or Heela?" OH MY GOSH. I swung my head around and glared at Robin for just a moment -- it was, after all, HIS card in there with MY name on it. And then I was up, telling them, with a smile on my face, how to pronounce my name. And then they give me the microphone because, remember, I'm supposed to do something special for the duck. And so, I quack into the microphone and hand it back. But oh no! I wasn't supposed to quack! (Too bad that didn't occur to me before I did, though), I was supposed to say "AFLAC!" And so they handed the mic back to me, and I had to do it again. So, that was the day I quacked -- and AFLACed -- in front of the whole area chamber of commerce. Classic. And Robin was just a-laughin'. The lady sitting across from me said, "You are a good sport! And you didn't even turn 37 shades of red!" I think I probably turned at least 36 shades. But whatever. It's a hilarious memory. And it turns out the duck actually says AFLAC when you squeeze it. Had I known that, I'd have cheated and squeezed it into the microphone :). So here I am, with my "winnings":
Me and the Aflac duck

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Never Say Never

We've had a busy week here lately. My grandfather's health has gotten worse, and things aren't looking good. He spent a week in the hospital and was able to come home on Wednesday. My Aunt Sue has been up for the week, and my Aunt Hila is coming in Tuesday. As life goes on, I find that I ponder many things these days. Perspective changes. People change. That was something I had a hard time accepting once, but I've come to see that it is true. People change. I know I have. It is hard to believe that this time last year, I was in Panama. I fully anticipated having a good librarian job here very quickly. I thought I knew why I was coming here to Washington. At this point, I'm not so sure that I am here for the reasons I thought I was. Do I know why I'm here? No, not really. But I've had a few insights as to possibilities. And none of them are the reasons I originally had in my head a year ago. I find that I've had opportunities I would never have if I wasn't here. And though I know I haven't been all that I should be for her, my mom tells me I've helped her by being here -- that I've given her someone to talk to. And so maybe that's why I've been here and why I've not found the jobs I thought I'd find that would take me away from here. So life is interesting. The more I live, the more I learn the truth in the addage: Life is what happens when we're busy making other plans. Interesting that John Lennon has been credited with that quote -- I just looked it up. And so, as I have pondered these things and the way my life has twisted and turned over the past year... or three ;), I have realized the wisdom in a song that says "never say never." And so you should listen to it here :).

So these are just some of the things I once said never to, and which I've done. And so, I shall eat crow. And I will try my best to never utter the word never (oops! failed already!) again :).

Twilight: I swore I'd never read the books. But I did. And I liked them. And I went and saw the movie in the theatre, and then I bought the movie. And I will be seeing the next one.

Facebook: I was so against it. I saw all the bad things that can come of it. But I do have facebook. I don't use it all the time or do any of the games on it, but I have an account, and I have found really great things about facebook -- like finding people from 10 or even 16 years ago.

Texting: Ah yes, texting. How critical I was of texters who use "ur" and "c u later" or whatever. I couldn't understand the thrill of the text. But since I've become a texter (and even got a phone to make it easier), I see the benefit of text-messaging. And so, I've become such an avid texter, I had to move to unlimited texting on our family share plan. Which is beneficial for me, Christina, and even my mom, who, yes, is also texting sometimes too :). Oh, and here's my new phone:
My new phone

And here's the phone opened up for texting (look, Julie, it's purple!):
My new phone in text-mode

Okay, so I know those aren't heavy things that I said I'd never do that I did. But you get the idea :). So, I wonder what else I will end up doing that I said I'd never do? Of course, there are things I won't do, because they aren't silly little frivolous things, like those above. Some things are legitimate things that I won't do.

And, do end up on a fun picture-note... Here are cute pictures from last Sunday's picnic at the State Park. Isn't my sister beautiful? And aren't the kids so adorable?!? They are all growing up so fast! And look at that Emily. She's crawling now. And such a good baby. And of course, there's Brad, the grill master :).
Christina and Emily

I LOVE these babies!

Brad the grill-master

Monday, August 3, 2009

I [Felt] My Temperature Rising

I figure with the infrequency that I blog these days, I can easily do a song-title post for each one :). So here you go -- the song for today's post :).

What a week it was... a hot week. And that is why I included that song. We hit high temperatures of about 104. Which is insane and unheard of. You know that philosophy called "The grass is always greener..."? Hahaha... Well, the grass was definitely greener in Alabama last week, because at least in Alabama they expect that kind of heat every summer, so they have air conditioning!!! Most places around here don't have any kind of a/c. Yeah, it was craptastic. YUCK. The day my heart really sank was when I heard them explaining the meaning of "heat index" on the news. If they have to explain it, it means they don't have a reason to know what it means usually... And I already knew from 10 years of experience in Alabama. So, I got blamed for the heat. My boss told me that I obviously brought it with me, because it hasn't been this way before. Well, you know me. I think on my feet. I told him, "Hey, there's a price to pay for the presence of fabulousness." And so that quote made its way around the office, and good old Bob made me another sign and stuck it over my work station :). Hahaha... Always fun. Also, it hasn't rained in over a month here. Also a rarity. I'm looking forward to the return of the rain.

So anyway, we survived the heat. It's still been warm, but not unbearable. We even had a family picnic yesterday at a State Park here. It was quite beautiful and not really hot there, because of all the shade. We played Apples to Apples and grilled out, and it was great! The kids had a blast too. It had been a while since we'd done a family thing, so it was nice to do this. And now we know that we don't have to pay to use the facilities, so maybe we can do it again before long :).

As usual, I've stayed pretty busy. I taught the lesson in Relief Society yesterday, and then I also got asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting next Sunday. So I need to prepare a talk. Phew!

Oh! And I got my new phone today! It came to the funeral home via FedEx :). I haven't actually set it up yet. But I have it. And I got it for free, since I signed on for 2 more years with Verizon. And I got a full texting keyboard! Yippee!!! I'm hoping its battery life is better than the one I've had for the past almost 2 years.

And blackberry season is here again. I don't know what my obsession is with picking blackberries. We still had 4 frozen quarts of blackberries from last year, and yet I am compelled to go pick more! Something about free food that grows without a whole lot of tending. Hahaha... I need to make some jam or something out of them. We made blackberry pie and blackberry lemonade with some of them for our family picnic yesterday, and both were very good :).

Well, I don't have much else to say for now. So have a great week!!!