Tuesday, September 13, 2016


The house is quiet (except for the occasional bug getting zapped out back in our new bug zapper...  Jeremy's goal was to try to diminish the number of mosquitoes around our house...  So far, I think the other kinds of bugs are faring worse than the mosquitoes.).

Speaking of mosquitoes (though I didn't really intend to, but you know me...)...  Seriously, they are like crazy plentiful around my house.  And Lynnaea is a mosquito magnet.  And she scratches and picks at her bites.  So her legs and arms look terrible.  I get bit, but not nearly as much as she does.  Bless her little heart.  Anyway, it's ridiculous, and we aren't sure why they are so prevalent here.  The bug zapper is unlikely to do much without the scent thing that is supposed to draw the mosquitoes...  But there's always the trying.

So anyway.  Aside from the sizzle of bug guts every now and then, the house is quiet.  And so I thought I'd post a couple pictures :).
 Hahaha.  I thought I'd throw this one in there to see if you were paying attention.  This is NOT recent.  Though I wouldn't mind having less of the gray hair...  This picture is from 2010 sometime.  Emily was sick and Christina and Nick needed to work.  So I watched Emily.  I can't believe she is going to be 8 really soon.

Anyway, on to more recent things...  Lynnaea and I do lots of selfies.  This was right after she woke up from a nap the other day.  It is seriously one of the best times (usually -- except on days like today when she took a short nap, because she decided not to potty before nap and then woke up needing to go peepee.  But at least she didn't wet the bed :)...  It just meant Mommy's "nap time" (aka "me-time) got cut short.).  But most days, she comes out of her room, around the corner to the living room to find me, and she smiles and runs to me so I can hug her and hold her for a few minutes.  And take a selfie or two ;).

 Oh thank goodness, we are finally well again!  So today we went to story time at the library!  Kristin provided apple slices and apple juice for each kid, since the books were about Fall.  She is the coolest.  Both my babies loved the snack.  Corbin wasn't so interested in posing with his craft -- he wanted to go to the train table.  Lynnaea, though, loves to pose with hers.  I cut her hair last night, can you tell?  And we made a dog sock puppet as part of school this morning.  So she decided she needed to take it to Story Time. 
We got home and ate lunch.  Corbin barely made it though lunch awake.  Haha.  This guy has a clock or something...  When 11:30 rolls around, he wants to be napping.  If we push it off even just a little, this is usually the result.  Today we pushed it.

 But then he wakes up and he is so happy!  This is his "cheese" face.  I love it so much!!  He loves those knitted balls we got when Lynnaea was a baby.  He carries them around saying "baw."  But oh this boy is so smart!  He understands so much!  When we tell Lynnaea to go use the potty, Corbin heads to the bathroom.  When I tell him to go get ready to get his teeth brushed, he goes to the bathroom.  When I ask him to bring me my shoes, he does.  Or put his dirty clothes in the hamper, he does...  He is amazing.  One day he's going to start talking, and I don't think much is going to slow him down!  I should have taken pictures of his big chichones he got last week.  Man, this kid...  He really is all boy.  He had two huge goose-eggs on his head from falling out of the patio chair and then tripping in the house and smacking his head on Lynnaea's stool.  Today he got his finger squished in the door (by his sister).  He seems to have a pretty high pain tolerance, too.  But man!  I foresee emergency room visits with this guy... 
In other news...  As part of school this morning, we went for a walk around our neighborhood looking for dogs, so we could talk about them:  big or little?  what color?  Etc.  Fortunately, we found 2 dogs toward the end of our walk.  I don't mind NOT being surrounded by dogs, though.  It's actually awesome.  I don't appreciate hearing dogs bark all the time.  But I was really worried we weren't going to encounter any for our preschool activity, and that would have been lame.  When we got home, I was folding up the stroller (we have a big BOB double jogging stroller.  It's awesome, but heavy.) and as I yanked up on it to finish the process, the front wheel lifted up and swung back -- right into my big toenail.  Clearly flip flops were not a good footwear choice.  Peeled my nail back nicely and I had a bloody mess to clean up.  Ew.  Lynnaea was impressed.  The nail is still there, and hopefully nothing else smacks it while it tries to heal.  

Also, in other news...  Late adopter of all things technology that I am...  I finally signed up for Netflix today.  Actually, I've been planning to do this for a while.  But we have an old-school TV, because TV doesn't play a major role in our house.  In fact, the TV is in the playroom.  But I like to enjoy a good movie or TV show every now and again, and Netflix is seriously a bargain.  So I finally signed up for it today, like I said, because I realized our Wii could do the streaming.  Woohoo!  I was actually going to watch an episode of Scrubs while folding laundry this afternoon when a little someone woke up an hour early from her nap.  Ha!  So much for my plans ;). But that's what I'm going to do now...  Go relax and watch some Frasier.  

So here's to bed-time!  Cheers!  (That's my healthy chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie :)).

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