Well, it only takes me about a week to write about what we did on Monday! Aaahhh! The packing and moving process is intense in and of itself. Add to that mix 2 littles and it just gets crazier! So things get pushed back. But here we are, reporting on our Family Night for this week!
So there has been a lot of emphasis lately from church leaders on keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Clearly this is an important issue, and our family has chosen to strive to do better. So we had a Family Night lesson about the Sabbath Day. Not sure that we will be able to stretch this topic for the whole month of March, but at least two weeks will be about Sabbath Day observance and how we can keep this commandment better in our family.
Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy
Song: "Welcome, Welcome Sabbath Morning"
Scripture: Ezekiel 20:20 -- "And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God."
Lesson: We showed a picture of a birthday cake and talked about how we have birthday cakes to celebrate a person's special day. Then we talked about the Sabbath (which we recognize as Sunday in our faith) and how that is Heavenly Father's special day -- that He has commanded us to keep it holy. So we talked about things we can do to keep the day more holy in our home. One thing we are going to do better is having scripture videos in our home for Lynnaea to watch on Sundays for when she goes poopie on the potty. That has been the incentive that has worked for her (2 tv shows for a big poopie), so we don't want to just dismiss that on Sundays. Until now, we've allowed her to watch whatever videos we have checked out from the library (like Bubble Guppies, etc), even though we don't otherwise watch any TV on Sundays. So we are now going to purchase some scripture videos so that she still has a video option, but it will be something that will, in our opinion, honor the Sabbath Day more.
Activity: Wrote down Sabbath-appropriate activities (we were supposed to continue this, but the kids took early naps and by the time they woke up, we were rushing through Family time to get Jeremy off to work... So we are going to continue this next week and actually decorate our "Sunday 'cans'" can and then write these activities on Popsicle sticks to put in the can.
Treat: Since we talked about birthday cake, we had lemon-zucchini cupcakes with lemon-buttercream frosting. (This recipe is bomb, and I might even get around to sharing it on my foodie blog in this lifetime ;).)
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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