Dear Corbin,
I can't believe another month has flown by! You are 9 months old! Which means you've been out for about as long as you were in ;). We had your 9 month check-up today and learned that you are experiencing a growth "pause" (that's what your Pediatrician called it...). You didn't grow much in the last 3 months. But she says that's not really concerning, as kids usually do it at 9 months or 1 year. I guess you chose 9 months ;).
Even so, you have done so much developing in other ways this past month! You are eating more and more "real" food -- and loving it! You get really excited about it -- and somewhat demanding, quite frankly. You love string cheese (in small amounts... I don't give you a lot of it at this point). You also like beans (but I only give you a few, since you got gas from them one night), corn, chicken, peas, green beans, cornbread, THRIVE yogurt bites, THRIVE fruit crisps, bananas, French bread... well, you love a lot of stuff. I can't even list it all.
I think you're working on getting more teeth (you still just have the bottom 2 in front), because you've been a lot more restless at night lately. Of course, that could also be because you are back to sharing a room with me and Daddy now that Daddy is on swing shift again. But one day -- soon -- you're going to have a room of your very own. I think we are all looking forward to that day!
You are walking with things. A lot. Whether it's a box, the laundry basket, your little walker piano, or your sister's stool, you are all about the walking. Sometimes you go cackling across the room walking. It is hilarious. You are getting braver about letting go and trying to stand on your own. And goodness gracious, my boy, today you actually had some decent balance about it! I think you'll be standing on your own fairly soon and then you'll move to walking. YIKES! Can this really be!?!
You get more comments about your hair than any baby I know! It's the color. Everyone loves the color. Almost any day we go somewhere, someone is bound to comment on your hair. It's that reddish tint in the brown that they love. You get it from your dad. And let's just say the little fireball streak reputed to come with red heads is also present... You're a little stinker!
You have found your tongue and like to stick it out and make noises with it. You are also starting to vocalize actual syllabic sounds like "de-de-de" and "da-da-da." It's fun to hear you as you are beginning to develop your language.
Much like your sister at about this age, you love my plastic container drawer. So I've taken to storing several of my plastic containers in a new location (not reachable by little baby hands) and I leave the rest for you to pull out, chew on, and dump all over the floor. It keeps you happy in the kitchen, so I'm all for it. And, honestly, it makes me nostalgic. I remember when Lynnaea loved doing the same thing (I have pictures of it!). And I suddenly realized as I saw you start doing it that somewhere along the way... she stopped. I don't even remember when. Funny how that goes. Likewise, there will be a day when you stop being interested in it too. You will move on to bigger things.
Sometimes, when I have you on the changing table and I'm tickling your little feet and saying "stinky feet!" and you are laughing, I have a moment of absolute knowledge that I need to cherish that small moment. I realize, in that moment, that I really will miss all these things. And they will be gone one day, even if that doesn't seem possible. I try not to think too much about it, though... It makes me feel a little weepy.
And so, Mr. Roo... I love you. A lot. I'm glad you're my little snuggler. I'm glad you crawl over to me and want me to pick you up a lot. I'm glad I can hold you and cuddle you. I'm thankful to be your mommy. I love to hear you laugh when we play peek-a-boo. I love to see your little dimples. I love you, my big boy. Always.
Standing with his walking toy. Such a big boy!
He loves his sister! And when I do the monthly pictures of Corbin, Lynnaea feels left out if I don't take some of her too ;). Awww... Looking at this picture makes me think of her 9 month pictures. She sure has grown up...
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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