That's right. A play on words. Because I'm still around. And still a round mommy. I am waiting to pop. Doctor's appointment Tuesday showed even more progress: almost 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. I still scheduled my next appointment for this coming Tuesday (which will be 40 weeks). Here I was Tuesday at 39 weeks. Pajama pants and a t-shirt. So very classy. I promise I didn't go out of the house looking like that ;).
Jeremy has been on swing shift this week. It has been wonderful to have him home in the mornings. He has helped me be able to either a:) get things done when I feel like it (like today) by entertaining Lynnaea, or b:) sit around like a bump on a log and rest when I feel like it (like yesterday) by entertaining Lynnaea ;). And then we take a "family nap" where we all 3 (plus one in my tummy) pile into our bed after lunch. Jeremy usually gets about 45 minutes to an hour of sleep before having to get up for work. Lynnaea and I can get around 2 hours. It's pretty awesome.
We are still having night-time troubles with Lynnaea. Well, the last two nights she slept through the night and it was so amazingly blissful. It feels good to be rested. We are just taking it a day at a time and trying to figure out what's going on that she has gone from an amazing sleeper to an unpredictable one. Many of my friends say they've been through this stage, so I'm hoping that is all it is. Parenthood truly is an adventure!
So here are a few more pictures of the cuteness in the new recliner and whatever else I choose to post (don' know yet what I'm posting ;)). Lynnaea loves what I have dubbed the "big rock-rock chair" and she frequently commandeers it as her own ;).
She is the cutest!
No feet in view... That's my large tummy from my perspective. I had just finished washing dishes. My shirt is always soaked in the front. If I did twitter, I'd type it like this: #pregnantgirlproblems. But I don't Twitter or tweet. So I won't ;).
This girl loves books! And I love that she does. She goes and picks books off her bookshelf or out of her library bag, and then sits and "reads" them. The ones we read more often, like Big Girl Panties, she can actually accurately say some of the story. It's awesome.
Here she is opening some presents from my parents (yes Dad, Mom still puts "and grandpa" on everything :)). She got a really cool puzzle that makes 6 different animal pictures. It's a little over her head and she mostly just likes to build towers using the cubes... But still. It's awesome, and she'll grow into it.
She also got a bunch of animal magnets. These days our refrigerator is covered in magnets. And I kind of love that :).
So we enjoyed several days of nice comfortable weather. In the 60s. It was a beautiful thing. I did a bunch of baking and freezing to prep for summer time (when I refuse to bake). Also, my sausage feet returned to normal non-sausage feet. It was another beautiful thing! Sigh... But I'm pretty sure those were the last of our nice comfy chilly days. Today the highs were probably in the upper 70s (maybe even 80s) and my feet are starting to swell again. Plus I was on them more today ;). And this weekend is going to be in the 80s. Part of me is hoping to have the baby on the hot days because then I'll be in the air-conditioned hospital :). Hahaha. We'll be hooking up our a/c here soon, I am pretty darn sure. I'm not pleasant when I'm uncomfortably hot and sweating.
Yesterday I took Sam out for birthday ice cream. I can't believe he is 11.
And okay, that's definitely a yucky picture of me, but I don't care. It's just how it is. I'm a fat preggo lady. And I'm almost done! Woohoo!
So hopefully the next time I post, it will be with news about whether we have a boy or girl popping out :)!
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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