...Now don't go gettin' all excited that we are movin' to Alabama. It'd be cool. But it's not happening... yet ;). (Actually we don't know where we'll end up... Could be Alaska for all I know!)
But we are relocating. Temporarily. And I'm so not looking forward to it.
Jeremy says I should think of it like a vacation. Except it isn't.
So what gives? Well, miracle of miracles, they are finally working on our stairs! And while this is a most blessed event (trust me, the ghetto-fabulous look was getting real old), it comes with its own fair share of inconvenience. The largest of which is the whole "we have to remove access to all the units, so you can either stay in a hotel paid for by us or you can take cash and make your own arrangements" thing.
We're taking the cash.
Because who wants to live out of a hotel with a mini fridge and microwave for 10 days with a toddler!?! Perish the thought! (Am I playing up the dramatic?)
Fortunately for us, we have some amazing friends. Our friends Mark and Amalea have invited us to stay in their basement which has a bedroom and a full bathroom and a large space for a toddler to play. Not that we aren't allowed upstairs ;)... We are. But that will be our little "home away from home." And it means Jeremy's commute doesn't have to turn into a 45-minute each way nightmare (which would have been the case if we'd have stayed with his parents). Especially since he's on swing shift and isn't getting home much before midnight.
So yeah... We have amazing friends. We are blessed.
In other news... I think I have lost my mind. Due to the fact that I wanted to find out some information for myself without spending a lot of money to do so... I am in the middle of planning a vendor event for December. What possessed me to head something like this up? I have no idea. Well, I do. But now I think I was just crazy. So, here's to hoping it will be THRIVEing for all involved! Thank goodness for my sister-in-law Gwen who is helping me. Just the fact that she's involved gives me great peace -- because she's way more go-with-the-flow than I am ;).
Oh yeah... And Jeremy may or may not have hurt his ankle at work the other night... Should make for loads of fun when we're temporarily moving this Friday... Let the good times roll!
Oh, so do you need some pictures :)? Cool.... Because Lynnaea and I -- we like to take selfies. A lot. Have I mentioned she is the awesomest ever? Even when she wakes up at 11 p.m. and won't go back to sleep until after midnight -- after you put her in bed with you and the hubby... Yeah, that happened. It's okay. She's worth it.
If you're Lynnaea, the object in her hand is alternately an object that makes the DVD stop playing (which she thinks is hilarious) or a phone. Which I think is hilarious. It's a win/win.
Mostly her facial expression in this one cracks me up. She's like, "Okay Mom... I'm done with this."
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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