Because tomorrow is my birthday. And so I figured I'd make that my post title.
It's hard to believe this was already 4 years ago. I mean, seriously!?! My life has changed a lot in 4 years. And it's about to change a whole lot more...
So, first of all, I should tell you all about our adventures. But that would take forty forevers, so I won't. We survived being kicked out of our house temporarily. We were out for 8 days. And we were so thankful for the amazing friends who welcomed us. It was so nice -- like a bed and breakfast, really. And after hearing the horror stories from the other tenants who took the offered hotel option... Yeah, I am even more grateful for what we had. It was still challenging at times. Hard for me to know what to do with myself day in and day out not being in my own house. It was kind of like vacation -- but not. Lynnaea loved it, because there were new people around a lot -- not just boring old mommy in the evenings.
Gosh, I really haven't blogged in a while... So this picture is from the ferry when we were on our way to Jeremy's family's reunion that takes place in October every year. I think it's the only picture I got of the whole day. I've become a lame picture-taker... Unless it's food, I guess. Anyway, this was the Saturday before we started staying with friends.
The Monday after we started staying with friends, I took Lynnaea to a local park to play with some other kids. It happened to be Columbus Day, so the schools were out and there were tons of kids there. She had fun.
Here's the only picture I took while we stayed at our friends' house. Lynnaea looks thrilled, doesn't she?
Then this past weekend, I went with Lea to Seattle. We went to see Beauty and Beast. It was awesome. Want to know what wasn't awesome?
This was the P.F. Changs I had before we went to the play. So here's the thing: I've been wanting to try P.F. Changs for some time now. And so Lea and I decided to go there before the play (with plans to hit up Cheesecake Factory afterwards -- it's all about partying on one's birthday, right?). Lea and I got the exact same thing. Like right down to the soup.
Lea's was fine. Mine. Was not.
I managed to make it through the play (thankfully!). But we skipped Cheesecake, because I didn't know if I'd make it. For a while there, as we trudged our way back to the ferry, I thought I was going to toss my cookies on the streets of Seattle. Because there were no garbage cans anywhere that I could see. Believe me, I looked. But then I felt better. So we stopped into a Starbucks (probably the only one in creation without a bathroom, I might add) for some water. And by then, I was feeling bad again. Really bad. And so... I threw up in the garbage can. And chased off the clientele (sorry people I don't know). And made them close. 20 minutes early. Embarrassing. I felt so bad. But there was nothing I could do. I felt a million times better after that. And so we got to the ferry terminal. Where someone else wasn't having such a great time of things either.... I don't think she had P.F. Changs though. Apparently she'd been drinking. A lot. So she puked all over the ferry terminal and then passed out. That was adventurous to see. Eventually the paramedics came and took her. We learned a lesson though: don't be near death at the ferry terminal. It takes the ambulance so long to get there, you'll probably die.
And the fun wasn't over for me... I also tossed more cookies at the ferry terminal. Fortunately I was not suffering from alcohol poisoning, so I could make it to the bathroom. And then 3 or 4 more times on the ferry. And then once when I got home. It's not fun to be sick when you're the mommy and your husband's at work. Because you still have to keep doing the stuff you have to do to take care of your munchkin.
Anyway, after all that puking, I had managed to purge whatever bad food and bacteria had been ailing me. And while my stomach wasn't happy... At least it wasn't rebelling against me anymore. Because that was lame. I went to bed and started Sunday with small amounts of bland food.
So, yeah... I really wanted to like P.F. Changs... But food poisoning kind of makes that impossible. So I won't be going there again. I'm glad Lea's was fine. To be honest, mine tasted weird. I kept checking the beef for doneness... Perhaps I should have been smart enough to stop eating it... Novel idea.
But the play was awesome. I'd highly recommend it.
And isn't she a cute cool kid? Love this baby!
And here's a few of Lynnaea in her newest "toy" from Costco. She sits in it like a chair. And I think it's the cutest things ever.
Please take note of her hair... That's some mommy skills. Jeremy was unimpressed. Fortunately for him I know some hairdresser friends. So today, after lunch with my former co-workers at the County, one of them fixed the bangs for me.
She is so pretty. So cute. Even if I'm a little biased ;). I can't believe she's growing up so fast. She amazes me every day.
And so... our next adventure (assuming all goes well):
Hormone levels were in the normal range (but that's a huge range). And I hope to know more soon, just for the sake of knowing. Sure, it's a risk to announce at this point (8 weeks). But there is a life, and I am choosing to celebrate. Not everyone feels the same as I do, nor do I think everyone should. I think people should do what's right for them. But this is what I want to do. And we'll hope :). Because there's every reason to. (By the way, this explains my lack of motivation to blog -- or do much of anything else these days. Seriously... I nap a lot. I'm exhausted!)
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
So sorry about your Changs experience! That's a travesty! It's a favorite for me ... Of course I've never had any refunding.
And i applaud your choice to celebrate life. For a life is a life, no matter how small.
Love you.
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