Let me just say that Lynnaea was awesome. On the flight from Seattle to Atlanta, she slept the whole way, only waking up every hour and fussing a very small amount until we put the pacifier in her mouth and she would go back to sleep. Then the flight from Atlanta to Panama City was golden. She fell asleep before we were in the air and slept until we landed and we roused her from her sleep. What a good baby she is! And even on just 5 hours of sleep, she managed to still be happy.
So I'll mostly just upload a bunch of pictures to tell the tale of our vacation. But I will say this: it was awesome. I managed to do everything I wanted to do -- and more! The weather was beautiful. We got to use some of the short-sleeve cute outfits we otherwise wouldn't have been able to... Yep, just a wonderful time. And I got to see almost everyone I wanted to. It's so sad that the trip had to be so short... But I'm uber-happy that I got to go. It was such a nice break.
Here we are... Ready for our first flight!
Lynnaea's new pastime... Sucking on Grandma's chin...
Here's our cutie, out for a stroll with her grandma and grandpa.
Those walks wear her out! So she needs her naps -- even on vacation.
She likes to be included in the fun (of course), so she hung out at the table with the rest of us. With her bug.
Here's one of her outfits that I'd wanted to see on her, but that wouldn't have happened without a trip to Alabama! Isn't it cute? Rolls and all ;).
Her first Halloween... We borrowed the onesie from a friend in Washington!
After lunch in Tuscaloosa at Swen's Chinese with Virginia and Annie... I sure do miss them!
Hanging with April and Julie and Alysha and all the family :)!! Such a great night!
Juliebean and Nilla Wafer and all their kidlets... Oh how we've grown (or gotten old...)
After lunch with Julia-Ann in Montgomery. Chick-Fil-A YUM!
Sitting up like a big girl and chewing on her toys!
We had to pose with the golden peanut after church on Sunday :)!! You know, for the Christmas cards!
Enjoying the nice Sunny day with Mommy outside!
Definitely one of the best nights ever!! Hanging with so many of my wonderful Dothan friends at Becky's!! After a really delicious dinner of Alice chicken (I think that's right) over rice, salad, rolls, green beans, applie pie, and apple nachos. Oh my goodness. And so much laughter!
I should do a "before and after" thing here, but I'm too lazy. These two fabulous women are the two with whom I served in Young Women's in Dothan before I left for Tuscaloosa. I love them.
Jeremy should be more tolerant of my picture taking, because then I wouldn't have to post his goofy face pictures. Oh well... He carried around Lynnaea all night while I was gabbing with the girls, and she got tired and fell asleep like this. She really is a good baby.
Here's that sweet baby girl in a high chair playing at Italian Express. While I snarfed up a slice of heaven in the form of the roast beef sub. With gravy on the sandwich and on the side, as always ;).
Isn't that just a little bit of awesome?
And while Anne and I were eating at Italian Express, in walks Kristin! How crazy! So she joined us too :). And that was awesome.
Me and Anne with a delicious menu in the background :)...
Lynnaea playing with her grandpa.
I got a special tour of the new library being built! Now that was awesome. And isn't it great that I always have a burp rag on my shoulder these days?
Had to make sure I visited Miss Hilda! I miss her. She still makes me laugh :).
We introduced Lynnaea to squash. She loved it. Daddy was unimpressed that Mommy was trying new things on vacation.
All of us before heading to the airport to head home. Sigh...
Lynnaea hanging in the airport with Grandpa before our flight. We miss Grandpa!!!
Anyway, it was awesome. I want to go back. Sigh... Until next time...
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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