Sunday, September 12, 2010


I'll get to the reason for my post title. Until I get there, though, you can enjoy the song (well, one of the songs) that features those numbers. It was a toss-up between songs. I went with the older of the two.

So my week has been full. I'll give you the brief run-down. Monday I made the barbecued beef as well as my first peach cobbler from scratch. It was yummy. I especially liked the "cobbler" part of the peach cobbler. But that's no surprise, as I love bread stuff. I think I might have added a tad too much lemon juice to keep the peaches from turning. But Lea's family seemed to really like it. So that's good. It was definitely messy slicing up those peaches! They dripped all down my arm! But it's a lot of fun to see a finished product and to know I made it all from scratch :). So after our meal of bbq beef sandwiches, corn on the cob, and fried potatoes (not french fries), we sat down to watch more of Glee. And after our food had settled a bit, we went in for the peach cobbler. Mmmmm good! Of course, the minute we got our dessert dished up, Xavier's girlfriend had to be taken home, so Lea and I hopped in the car to take her -- with dessert bowls in hand. Hahaha. Then we went back and finished watching Glee. I love the music. Seriously love the music. We finished the first half of the first season (and up until today, that was all that was avaiable on DVD), so now we will start Season 1 of Scrubs tomorrow. They never watched the show, so we are going to give it a try.

So that was Monday. And because I didn't have to work at either job on Monday, I actually stayed in my pajamas all day long. And it was fabulous! I also read more of the book I had been reading and have since finished. It was fabulous! I loved it. I'm now reading Dracula. It's been on my reading list for 2 years, so I finally decided to read it. It has very small print, so it feels like I'm not making a lot of progress. But in reality, I really am starting to enjoy it. Just had to get used to the language.

Tuesday was back to work -- both of them. Nothing terribly exciting there. Walked with Sue that evening. Wednesday I had training at the Service Center for my library job. It was all about the reference interview and being effective at helping a patron with their information needs. We did role playing, which I do not really enjoy. It was kind of a long day. My mom was in Seattle overnight for managers' meetings on Wednesday night, so I stayed in to take care of my grandmother on Wednesday night. We had Subway sandwiches for dinner and I mostly just read and relaxed. Thursday was another work day. Lea and I drove into work together and made the day fun. So that was good. Then Thursday night, I went to the Stake Center to watch some of the girls from my Sunday School class play basketball. They had invited me to go, and I just couldn't not show up when it was obviously important to them. And there were only about 5 of us there cheering them on, so I'm glad I went. Friday I was off from the library because of having a long day on Wednesday (basically comp time). So I spent the day working at the funeral home and ended up working at the reception desk all day. That was kind of a long day too. And Friday night I pretty much just hung out at home. It seems like I had stuff going on, but now I can't remember what it was. Saturday I didn't have to go into work until 2:05. Part of that was the extra time for Wednesday. The other part was that my boss asked me to change shifts for the day. I really do not enjoy working the afternoon shift. But since I had the whole morning free, my mom and I went out and ran errands. And I wore my Tillamook shirt :).

In case you can't read the shirt... It says "Life is cheesy... Eat it up." I liked it :). Sometimes life really is cheesy. And don't I just look so cute not long after waking up ;)? So anyway, my mom and I went to Costco and Fred Meyer. Nothing exciting. And then came back to the house where I read until it was time to head to work. After work, I came home, got a shower, and got ready to go to Stake Conference. Heidi met me at the house at 6:30, and then we drove to Conference. It was really a great conference. One of the talks was about financial responsibility. It feels good to know I'm not in debt, but I also need to remember I can still do more to improve things financially for myself. I have already decided that, instead of spending as much money as I do on movies and tv show seasons (which I love to buy), I need to focus more on making sure I am prepared for emergency situations. I'm not saying there isn't room for fun. There is. But I still can do better about prioritizing. And so I will work on that. After Conference, I read a little more and then went to bed.

This morning was the other session of Conference, so we didn't take Desiree and Emily with us. Church was at 10 this morning, and since we wanted to get there early enough to get a good parking spot and a good seat, I got up at 8. I ate breakfast, and then headed out at about 8:55. After Conference, we came home and had lunch and worked on laundry. I also picked two acorn squash. Two really big acorn squash. I kind of felt like Madonna in this picture... Or maybe Dolly Parton (which elicits some hilarious memories from Jon and Julie's house while playing 80s games ;)). Or, if you know Arrested Devlopment, maybe I'm more like Kitty due to wonkiness? Hahahaha. and so this is why I put those numbers as my post title. Hahaha. Under ordinary circumstances... Hahaha... in my dreams!

Unless, of course, you're measuring my head, then my bust, then my waist. Hahahaha. So I took this picture for the size comparison. If you know how big my head is, then you know how big these squash are!

So anyway, it's fun to see things grow and to see the fruits of my labors. Oh, and I'm totally in my jammies again. And it's so nice to lounge around :). I have also made S'mores Bars for tomorrow night's dinner at Lea's. On the menu (aside from those for dessert) are swedish meatballs with egg noodles and green salad (using a tomato and cucumber from my garden). It has been so fun to do this Monday night meal thing. I do love to cook! I miss it. And since the dessert is already made, I am pretty much free and clear for the rest of the evening :). So I plan to read more of Dracula. And hopefully get a little further and eventually find out how everything is going to fit together :)!


Anonymous said...

ok, so i just perused the pictures... and about died of laughter. thank you thank you thank you... i'll read later after bedtime. :)

jessica said...

Nice squash, hahahaha, no really, they are huge! You got some major gardening skills.

Kira =] said...

I only know the quote because we've been introducing Leighann to HP over the last week or so.

Harry Potter and sorcerer's stone- and It's Dumbledore

Kira =] said...

I <3 your cheese shirt!!

Elizabeth said...

Harry Potter...not sure which one, Sorcerer's Stone?

Katherine Ronachert said...

harry potter

Katherine Ronachert said...

and the scorcerors stone (slaughtered that word, but i can't think right now. don't judge me) :)

the happy thomas family said...

love the pictures ... and you. you were quite the ray of sunshine in my otherwise drab day :) .

and i've always wanted to read 'dracula'. you must let me know what you think.

love you!