Sunday, November 13, 2016

Outage 1: Weeks 3 and 4

Yeah, I got a little behind.  Story of my life ;).  I have my to-do lists most days, and it is miraculous when I manage to cross everything off the list.  And if blogging isn't put on the list...  Well, it definitely doesn't get done!  So now I just have to remember what we did since Fall Farm Day!

We've celebrated plenty of foodie "holidays," (no surprise there!).

So, we decorated a pumpkin for the library pumpkin contest.  It had to be decorated like a book character.  Lynnaea chose Emily Elizabeth from the Clifford books.  Her mother (a.k.a. me) has no creative or artistic abilities whatsoever.  Bless her heart.  But I guess that's okay, since it was supposed to be done mostly by the kids.  So we used a lot of acrylic paint (and had to exclude a very unhappy-about-said-exclusion Corbin, due to the fact he wanted to keep putting the paint in his mouth).  And we hot-glued on the hair.  It was a very stressful project for me, but Lynnaea ended up loving this pumpkin.  So much so that she refused to leave it a the library for it to be in the contest.  Sigh.  Oh well.  It was just for fun.  But poor Emily Elizabeth wouldn't have met her demise quite so quickly had she been at the library...  Tuesday night, Corbin managed to get his hands on her.  You should see her now.  We call her no-hair/half-face...  I'll let you just imagine.
Those were the before we took her to the library pictures...  Tuesday we took her to the library, and I hoped Lynnaea would let her "go to a sleepover party" at the library...  Corbin now gets into the car by himself -- and thinks he is the coolest ever by getting into the driver's seat.  You should see the grin he gives me...
Here are Lynnaea and Emily Elizabeth, ready to go to the library.

Then we brought her home and Lynnaea pretty much carried her around everywhere.  And swung her in the swing too.  It was really, really adorable, as I watched from the kitchen window. 
***  And now I'm even more behind.  I started writing this before my birthday.  It's now 2 weeks past that.  We'll see what I can do quickly here!  I'll just cover the rest of October (minus Halloween!).  That was pretty much when outage ended anyway ;).

So some afternoons we just sit out back and enjoy the day. Especially during the cooler days we had at the end of October!  The kids were pretending the railing was a car.  So cute!
 On one of the days Jeremy had off during outage, he was digging outside.  Turns out there are a bunch of beetle larva in the dirt, which Lynnaea thought was cool.  So she carried this one around in a shovel for a long time and called it "lorva."  Then she got brave and started carrying it in her hand. Turns out those things have pincers and it bit her.  So Jeremy squished it.  Which broke Lynnaea's heart.  The next morning, while she said prayer for breakfast, she asked Heavenly Father to bless the lorva that Daddy squished with his boot and she's not too happy about it.  Hahaha.  Out of the mouths of babes.

 Later in the week, we worked on up-cycling some THRIVE cans for Halloween.  Lynnaea helped me paint (yes, in the pretty dress) while Corbin slept -- since he couldn't paint with that paint -- he tried to eat it.  But when he woke up, I gave them the non-toxic tempura paint and let them go to town (after Lynnaea took off the pretty dress).  They pretty much painted themselves all over.

 A few days later, the weather turned nice and chilly.  We sat out in the sunshine a bit for the warmth.  I always welcome the chilly Fall weather :).
 I snapped a picture of Jeremy and Corbin on a morning Jeremy was home...  Probably a Sunday, but I don't remember.
 And then there was the day that we celebrated National Bologna Day.  With lunchables.  I love that Lynnaea poses with me for everything (and you can see Corbin in the mirror -- he had his own too!).
During the week, we did HIPPY pre-school...  One day we made puppets to go along with Jump Frog Jump.  And Corbin made his "cheese!" face.  I love this face!  More than words can say.

We acted out scripture stories one night for Family Night.
And Lynnaea had her first "real" dentist appointment with a cleaning!  She was a rock-star!
Fortunately, Daddy was off work that day (his crazy schedule), so I didn't have to take Corbin along for the ride.  That would have been stressful.  LOL.

On the 29th, we went to the Corndodgers Farm.  I wasn't super impressed, so probably won't do that again.  But Lynnaea had fun and rode a horse and held a bunny (above).  And Corbin sat on a kiddie tractor and loved that.  I'd given blood earlier that day, so I was feeling pretty crummy because it was a hot day.

 On my birthday, Corbin and I chilled.  This was right after he woke up from his nap.  Sweet little boy.

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