Dear Corbin,
Since I was so late writing for your 5th month birthday, you'd think there wouldn't be so many changes! But you'd be wrong! Because every day brings something new as you grow and develop!
Your biggest new thing: getting up on your knees -- by yourself! -- and rocking back and forth. I won't be a bit surprised if you're crawling by Christmas! You are beyond ready for that accomplishment, I can just tell. I am pretty sure you know you can do it. You just have to figure out how. But it's coming. And soon!
You're still a happy little guy. You smile so much. And you "talk" a lot too! And you laugh! I love your laugh.
You are really doing great with sitting up and grabbing for toys. You've learned how to maintain your balance, even when picking up something somewhat heavy (for a little guy your size, that is). Because you are sitting up so well, Mommy is now letting you get in the "big tub" with Lynnaea and get baths at the same time. You are loving that. And you love splashing!
You love to eat "real" food. There isn't much you don't enjoy (though I recently learned you don't care for plain cream of wheat. Every bite you took, you made a face that clearly portrayed your opinion of it! But you love other stuff: rice cereal mixed with applesauce or squash or green peas; any of those by themselves; bananas; THRIVE fruit crisps (I like to give them to you in your little mesh feeder ring, but Daddy gives them to you as is and you handle it fine -- Mommy's just a scaredy cat ;)). You've enjoyed mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, carrots... You're just a good eater in general. You also really enjoy holding onto the rice teethers and eating those.
You are slowing down in growth a bit (we'll see how much at your next well-baby check), so you aren't growing out of your clothes quite as quickly as you were before! But you're still a big boy :).
Corbin, you are a blessing. As I looked at these pictures I took of you today, my heart just melted. I love you so much. I'm so grateful you joined our family. It's true, there are hard days. That's just life. But you are such a blessing. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom.
Love Always,
Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)
The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a
few things on her computer. As we sat in her computer room, I happened to
9 years ago
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